ONTAP Discussions
ONTAP Discussions
Hello Community,
How can i release "useded snapshot space on an aggregate?
df -A -g shows:
NASHEAD2> df -A -g
Aggregate total used avail capacity
aggr0 227GB 144GB 82GB 63%
aggr0/.snapshot 11GB 145GB 0GB 1221%
and aggr show_space shows
NASHEAD2> aggr show_space
Aggregate 'aggr0'
Total space WAFL reserve Snap reserve Usable space BSR NVLOG
278507008KB 27850700KB 12532812KB 238123496KB 0KB
Space allocated to volumes in the aggregate
Volume Allocated Used Guarantee
vol0 10632672KB 365404KB volume
Aggregate Allocated Used Avail
Total space 10632672KB 365404KB 86998740KB
Snap reserve 12532812KB 153013648KB 17039388348KB
WAFL reserve 27850700KB 17348KB 27833352KB
But there is no snapshot on the aggregate - also snapshots are turned off:
NASHEAD2> aggr options aggr0
root, diskroot, nosnap=on, raidtype=raid4, raidsize=8,
ignore_inconsistent=off, snapmirrored=off, resyncsnaptime=60,
fs_size_fixed=off, snapshot_autodelete=on, lost_write_protect=on
So how can i release the "used space"?
On the aggregate is on volume (system volume)
NASHEAD2> df -L -g
Filesystem total used avail capacity Mounted on
/vol/vol0/ 8GB 0GB 7GB 3% /vol/vol0/
snap reserve 2GB 0GB 2GB 0% /vol/vol0/..
Is there any help for me?
Looks like there may be a locked snapshot for some reason. What does "snap list -A" show you?
The default should be to automatically delete aggregate snapshots as and when it needs to, but this might not clear down user created snaps, or locked snaps. "snap list -A" should show you these and there status.
Hi Chris,
snap list -A shows the following:
NASHEAD2> snap list -A
Aggregate aggr0
No snapshots exist.
So there is actually no snapshot there ....
kind regards
There is definitely something wrong there!
That snapshot usage would be imposing on your aggregate usable data, which I don't think it is. This may just be a bug with the display. What version of OnTap are you running and what's the system?
Sorry for the Delay,
I am Using "Data ONTAP Release 7.2.3"