Hello, I am using FAS9000 products with Openstack for the client company I manage. However, when Openstack took a snapshot, an error occurred that there was no flexclone license, and when I checked the FAS9000 license, I confirmed that there was no flexclone license. It's currently version 9.9, but I'd like to know if upgrading the version will activate the functionality without purchasing a license, or if I have to purchase a license with that version, and if I can only purchase a flexclone license.
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we are thinking of transitioning to Hyper-V from VMware midst of all these greedy business model by broadcom. i was searching something similar to SnapCenter that i can use for Hyper-V but it seems that Snapmanager will be EOL this year and SnapDrive thats needed for SnapManager is already EOL. will the netapp team start working towards a similar solution to SnapCenter for Hyper-V? or even resume the production and support of snapmanager/snapdrive? any feedback or infomation is much appreciated. thanks.
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The cloud targets are not being returned from the NetApp REST API as shown below from MetroCluster! GET https://XX.XX.XX.XX/api/cloud/targets { "records": [], "num_records": 0, "_links": { "self": { "href": "/api/cloud/targets" } } }
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How we can assign the storage space/LUN in there different scenario- 1 LUN assign to FC Servers 2 LUN Assign through NIC 3 Space allocated to windows server 4 Space allocated to Unix Servers Regards,
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we made an upgrade in August to ONATP version 9.4P1
Today I was checking some config in our cluster and I have seen, that two cluster lifs are not on their home port:
network interface show -role cluster
Logical Status Network Current Current Is
Vserver Interface Admin/Oper Address/Mask Node Port Home
----------- ---------- ---------- ------------------ ------------- ------- ----
x-01_clus1 up/up x-01 e0b false
x-01_clus2 up/up x-01 e0c true
x-01_clus3 up/up x-01 e0b true
x-01_clus4 up/up x-01 e0d true
x-02_clus1 up/up x-02 e0b false
x-02_clus2 up/up x-02 e0c true
x-02_clus3 up/up x-02 e0b true
x-02_clus4 up/up x-02 e0d true
8 entries were displayed.
As you see here, two lifs are not at home... HomePort would be e0a
network port show -role cluster
Node: x-01
Speed(Mbps) Health Health
Port IPspace Broadcast Domain Link MTU Admin/Oper Status Status
--------- ------------ ---------------- ---- ---- ----------- -------- ------
e0a Cluster Cluster up 9000 auto/10000 healthy false
e0b Cluster Cluster up 9000 auto/10000 healthy false
e0c Cluster Cluster up 9000 auto/10000 healthy false
e0d Cluster Cluster up 9000 auto/10000 healthy false
Node: x-02
Speed(Mbps) Health Health
Port IPspace Broadcast Domain Link MTU Admin/Oper Status Status
--------- ------------ ---------------- ---- ---- ----------- -------- ------
e0a Cluster Cluster up 9000 auto/10000 healthy false
e0b Cluster Cluster up 9000 auto/10000 healthy false
e0c Cluster Cluster up 9000 auto/10000 healthy false
e0d Cluster Cluster up 9000 auto/10000 healthy false
8 entries were displayed.
network interface failover-groups show -vserver Cluster -failover-group Cluster
Vserver Name: Cluster
Failover Group Name: Cluster
Failover Targets: x-02:e0a, x-02:e0b, x-02:e0c, x-02:e0d,
x-01:e0a, x-01:e0b, x-01:e0c, x-01:e0d
Broadcast Domain: Cluster
network interface show -vserver Cluster -lif x-01_clus1 -instance
Vserver Name: Cluster
Logical Interface Name: x-01_clus1
Role: cluster
Data Protocol: none
Network Address:
Bits in the Netmask: 16
Subnet Name: -
Home Node: x-01
Home Port: e0a
Current Node: x-01
Current Port: e0b
Operational Status: up
Extended Status: -
Numeric ID: 1024
Is Home: false
Administrative Status: up
Failover Policy: local-only
Firewall Policy:
Auto Revert: true
Sticky Flag: false
Fully Qualified DNS Zone Name: none
DNS Query Listen Enable: false
(DEPRECATED)-Load Balancing Migrate Allowed: false
Load Balanced Weight: load
Failover Group Name: Cluster
Address family: ipv4
Comment: -
IPspace of LIF: Cluster
Is Dynamic DNS Update Enabled?: -
When I try to revert the cluster lif on the correct node (I know, that you can do this only on the local node), I get the following error:
network interface revert -vserver Cluster -lif x-01_clus1
Error: command failed: LIF "x-01_clus1" failed to migrate: failed to move cluster/node-mgmt LIF.
Also a migration to that port is failing with the same error.
On the clsuter switch, I saw some errors on that interface:
show interface 0/1
Packets Received Without Error................. 5389711331
Packets Received With Error.................... 1139
Broadcast Packets Received..................... 3128
Receive Packets Discarded...................... 0
Packets Transmitted Without Errors............. 6369143239
Transmit Packets Discarded..................... 0
Transmit Packet Errors......................... 0
Collision Frames............................... 0
Number of link down events..................... 6
I have shutted down that port and cleared the counters, but also then, I wasn't able to revert the lif...
I then shutted down the home port e0a and enabled again:
network port modify -node x-01 -port e0a -up-admin false
network port modify -node x-01 -port e0a -up-admin true
-> didn't helped! Same issue
Then I treid migrate with force flag:
net int migrate -vserver Cluster -lif x-01_clus1 -destination-node x-01 -destination-port e0a -force
Warning: Migrating LIF "x-01_clus1" to node "x-01" using the "force" parameter might cause this LIF to be configured on multiple nodes in the cluster. Use the "network interface show -vserver
Cluster -lif x-01_clus1" command to verify the LIF's operational status is not "up" before using this command.
Do you want to continue? {y|n}: y
Error: command failed: LIF "x-01_clus1" failed to migrate: failed to move cluster/node-mgmt LIF.
Same problem, not able to revert.
Does someone of you know this problem and has a solution for me?
We haven't changed the config of the netapp in the last time, only the upgrade from 9.3 to 9.4.
Best regards
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