So from the WEB UI --> HOSTS --> expand --> SAN initiator groups click +Add NAME: STORAGE VM: HOST OPERATING SYSTEM: vmware (check) Host initiators enter Name: 11:22:33:44:55:66:77:88 enter Description: host-n1 FROM THE CLI: lun igroup create -vserver SVN -igroup VMware-SVN -protocol mixed -ostype vmware -initiator 11:22:33:44:55:66:77:88 if you have multiple initiators it looks like this: lun igroup create -vserver SVN -igroup VMware-SVN -protocol mixed -ostype vmware -initiator 11:22:33:44:55:66:77:88,11:22:33:44:55:66:77:99,... ISSUE: how do I add a description for each Initiator assuming first two Initiators are for host-n1, next 2 are host-n2 since each initiator has two hba controllers. Also from the WEB UI it shows connection status how can I from the CLI show the Initiators Connection status.
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Hello All, I think I have just been looking at this too long and it is an easy answer, but I have an aggregate that has 5954GB physical used and a volume in that aggregate that has 7903GB physical used. How is the physical volume larger than the aggregate? I have looked at all the efficiencies and they add up independently, I just can't make the math above work. If anyone can point me in the right direction to see how this is possible I would be very grateful. I can provide more output if needed. Thanks!
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I need to update to later version of ONTAP and after looking at a few YouTube videos they all recommend using ActiveIQ to produce an update plan. When I log into ActiveIQ I don't see our organisation and when I try and add the serials from the nodes it says they're invalid. Last year the organisation I work for moved support from NetApp to a 3rd party support provider, is it possible to use ActiveIQ without a current support agreement with NetApp? Are there any other good resources to help me plan the upgrade if I can't use ActiveIQ, I want a good plan as I haven't carried out an upgrade before. Thanks.
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I am trying to physically identify a node within a HA, are there any commands? I am not sure which one is which in the canbinet in Data Center. Thanks for your inputs!
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Hello everyone, I have seen many articles in the forum about Fas2552 7-mode upgrade to c-mode. But many kilobytes seem to be inaccessible. It appears that Fas2552 cannot be upgraded directly from 7-MODE to C-mode. There seems to be only one way to reformat. Do you have the corresponding documents? And right now I have two FAS2552 Snapmirrors. I also need to consider the 7-mode and c-mode license issues
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