We have a few FAS3140s and would like to snapvault between them for backup/DR.
One of the filers is used for many VMs running Oracle. Each one of the VMs has a volume for the Oracle data so that we can snap the data at different times.
We want to snapvault these volumes to another filer.
What I would like to do is have one big snapvault volume that all the source volumes go into.
So for example on filerA (the source) we have
on the destination I would like a volume:
Then the qtrees that the vaults would go to would be
I had tried this but it didn't work right. What would happen is that say I would baseline with vol1 then the snap for vol2 would transfer and be 100% different than vol1, then vol3 would transfer and be 100% different than vol2, then the next day vol1 would be 100% different than vol3.