Hi All,
I'm trying to automate the ontap upgrade process and i need to trasnfer the epsilon node to another node. I know we can use Invoke-NcSsh and then use the normal ontap command but i want to achive it using PS cmdlet so that i can use the previous varibales. I tried Set-Ncnode but there is no option to trasnfer the epsilon. Any help is highly appricaited.
Here is my code.
$Cluster = Read-Host "Enter the cluster name to connect"
#credentials to connect the cluster
$creds= Get-Credential -UserName "admin" -Message Null
foreach ($item in $Cluster) {
Connect-NcController $item -Credential $creds}
$epsilonnode= Get-NcNode | where {$_.IsEpsilonNode -eq $true}
Write-Host "The Epsilon node is : $epsilonnode"
$nonepsilonnode = Get-NcNode |where {$_.IsEpsilonNode -eq $false}
Read-Host -Prompt "Press any key to continue"
$newepsilonnode = Read-Host -Prompt "Enter the node name to trasnfer the Epsilon :"
Write-Host "Trasnferring the Epsilon to $newepsilonnode ...."