ONTAP Discussions
ONTAP Discussions
I am recently learning powershell scripting, how can I write scripts to successfully access adv permissions,
I tried to pass y after set adv, but it didn't work, I don't know how to solve this problem, hope someone can help modify my script
my script
# Set connection information
$ONTAPHost = Read-Host "Enter the IP address of the ONTAP cluster"
$User = Read-Host "Enter username"
$Password = Read-Host "Enter password"
$OutputFile = "commands_output.txt" # Output file path
# Import Posh-SSH module from removable drive, need to change the drive letter
Import-Module F:\Posh-SSH
# Create an SSH session and pass credentials
$securePassword = $Password | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force
$credential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential($User, $securePassword)
# Define command array
$commands = @(
"cluster show",
"set adv",
"system node image show"
# Try to connect to the ONTAP cluster
try {
# Creating an SSH Session
$session = New-SSHSession -ComputerName $ONTAPHost -Credential $credential -ErrorAction Stop
Write-Host "SSH session established successfully."
# If the file already exists, clear the file contents
if (Test-Path $OutputFile) {
Clear-Content -Path $OutputFile
# Loop through the array of commands and execute them in turn
foreach ($command in $commands) {
Write-Host "`nExecuting command: $command"
try {
# Execute the current command and get the result
$result = Invoke-SSHCommand -SessionId $session.SessionId -Command $command -ErrorAction Stop
# Record the command execution to a file
Add-Content -Path $OutputFile -Value "`n::> $command"
# Output the result of the command
if ($result.Output) {
$result.Output -split "`n" | ForEach-Object {
Add-Content -Path $OutputFile -Value $_
} else {
Add-Content -Path $OutputFile -Value "No output received for '$command'."
} catch {
Write-Host "Error executing command: $command"
Add-Content -Path $OutputFile -Value "Error executing command: $command - $_"
} catch {
Write-Host "Failed to establish SSH session or execute command: $_"
Add-Content -Path $OutputFile -Value "Failed to establish SSH session or execute command: $_"
} finally {
# Make sure to close the SSH session at the end of the script
if ($session) {
Remove-SSHSession -SessionId $session.SessionId
Write-Host "SSH session closed."
::> cluster show
Last login time: 11/25/2024 16:21:20
Node Health Eligibility
--------------------- ------- ------------
FAS2720-01 true true
FAS2720-02 true true
2 entries were displayed.
::> set adv
Last login time: 11/25/2024 16:22:14
::> system node image show
Last login time: 11/25/2024 16:22:14
Error: "image" is not a recognized command
Solved! See The Solution
I'm really laughing at myself for thinking so much, I just need to use the parameter -confirmations off after set adv.......... T_T
Turn off confirmation
"set adv -c off"
$commands = "cluster show;set adv;system node image show;set adm"
Invoke-Ncssh -Command $commands
NcController : cluster01
Value :
Last login time: 11/26/2024 01:49:19
Node Health Eligibility
--------------------- ------- ------------
node01a true true
node01b true true
2 entries were displayed.
Is Is Install
Node Image Default Current Version Date
-------- ------- ------- ------- ------------------------- -------------------
image1 false false 9.13.1P6 3/25/2024 11:52:38
image2 true true 9.13.1P7 6/7/2024 11:27:28
image1 false false 9.13.1P6 3/25/2024 11:53:24
image2 true true 9.13.1P7 6/7/2024 11:28:18
4 entries were displayed.
( my version of toolkit is 9.15.x so not Invoke-SSHCommand)
hi sanaman
Yes, first of all, thank you for your reply. PSTK can indeed get the result I want, so is it possible to Invoke-SSHCommand ?
I'm really laughing at myself for thinking so much, I just need to use the parameter -confirmations off after set adv.......... T_T
Turn off confirmation
"set adv -c off"
can you share the completed/fixed scripts. am also looking for health check scripts for bunch of clusters.
You can put your commands into the command array, most likely it will run (I'm not sure about your environment), the script is fine because I was unable to execute the system node image show, other commands will run. This script is only used for log collection and does not have the function of health check. I need to check logs to determine whether there is a problem. I think the script may not be able to accurately identify the problem, and I'm sorry that it may not be able to help you.......
I receive the below error - Enter password: ***********
Failed to establish SSH session or execute command: The term 'New-SSHSession' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was
included, verify that the path is correct and try again.
Whether you have downloaded and installed the Posh-SSH module,
Run the following command to install the Posh-SSH module from PowerShell Gallery:
Install-Module -Name Posh-SSH -Force -AllowClobber
-Force: forcibly installs the module, even if the module is already installed.
-AllowClobber: allows existing commands to be overwritten.
Re-import the module Modify the following information to try again
Import-Module F:\Posh-SSH ---> Import-Module Posh-SSH