ONTAP Discussions
ONTAP Discussions
I'm pretty sure the answer is still no but can I upgrade an 8.1 or higher vsim using either the "boot menu install" method or command line (software install) method?
It worked when I tried it with a tgz I was given, but create a vm snapshot first to roll back just in case it fails.
Sent from my iPhone 5
If the structure of the sim VM didn't change across releases you can generally pull off an upgrade if you can obtain the upgrade .tgz. They aren't published, but if you've ever replaced a failed CF boot device, obtaining one is pretty much that procedure in reverse.
I updated my vsim from 8.2.2RC2 to 8.2.1GA using option boot 7. The upgrade worked and system image show is now ga. However the licenses and commands don't work. A license-v1 error when I run license show.
Any changes or way to get ga in the vsim? Upgrading 8.2 to 8.2.1rc1 and rc2 all worked the same way. But 8.2.1 doesn't want to run as a licensed system after upgrade.
8.2.1RC2 to 8.2.1GA. Had a typo above
I just did an upgrade on one that started life as 8.2.1rc1, and was upgraded to 8.2.1rc2. Ugraded with the regular q image to 8.2.1ga and seems to be working fine. License show is good.
Did yours start life on 8.1.x or 8.2.x? and does it work again if you revert to rc2?
I have a vm snapshot so reverted back to 8.2.1rc2 and all good. It was 8.1 originally and went to 8.2.1rc1 then rc2. All good. Then 8.1.2ga caused this. Will try again and see. Might be an issue if it started 8.1.
Sent from my iPhone 5
Interesting. I wonder if its an issue with grandfathered 7mode keys and the random nature of the pre-8.2 vsim sysids.
Fixed it. Vol0 filled up. The 8.1 vsim original setup had aggr and vol snapshots enabled. Rolled back vmsnap, deleted vol and aggr snaps and schedule and upgrade ran fine 8.2.1rc2 to 8.2.2ga via option 7
Once vol0 was full it was corrupted and most commands stopped working. 8.2 should have snaps disabled on a new vsim install
Nice. Good to know what happened. I've upgraded several vsims to 821ga. I'm using the v_image since I don't need all the firmware binaries in the vsim.
How did you figure it out?
I reverted my vmsnap and upgraded again. Then saw the root volume failure scroll across the console. Only one thing came to mind. Snapshots
Sent from my iPhone 5