ONTAP Hardware
ONTAP Hardware
maybe this is a trivial question, but I need some advice from experts 😉
I have to replace 2TB ATA disk with 2TB SATA (BSAS on DS4246) disk, on a FAS system in HA (8.3.2 cluster mode), the aggregate is a flash pool.
I would like to not relocate controller, I want to do it non disruptively, and I have 3 spare DS4246 with 3TB drives.
I will leave doing vol move as last option.
Here's what I want to do:
- disk replace 2TB ATA on 3TB BSAS
- disconnect 2TB ATA, connect 2TB BSAS
- disk replace 3TB BSAS on 2TB BSAS
Is it possibile to do this?
Thank you very much
Solved! See The Solution
This is supported. This article outlines pretty much the exact scenario you're asking about - https://kb.netapp.com/support/s/article/ka31A0000008gtZQAQ/how-to-add-larger-capacity-disks-to-a-raid-group-that-contains-smaller-capacity-disks?langu...
Good luck!
This is supported. This article outlines pretty much the exact scenario you're asking about - https://kb.netapp.com/support/s/article/ka31A0000008gtZQAQ/how-to-add-larger-capacity-disks-to-a-raid-group-that-contains-smaller-capacity-disks?langu...
Good luck!
Hi Alex,
I found 2 conflicting bug because I'm not sure about how parity disk will be handled.
Maybe the higher id will be right...
I'm stil considering vol move as a good option 😉
Both of those BURTS have been resolved and the functionality should work as designed