ONTAP Hardware
ONTAP Hardware
Hello everyone,
I've recently got my hands on a NetApp FAS270 so I can learn to tech and get more familiar with it. Following the guides online, I reset it wanting to get a new setup experience but look to have just killed it.
I have the licences but need to re-install the GUI because at present, there's only the CLI to work with.
I'm aware of the age of this device and can't seem to get my hands on the FilerView V 7.3.3 which is what it was sent with.
Is there a way to get a copy of this some how or have I got a loud paper-weight?
Filerview should just be built in IIRC. Man that is forever ago. Check options command output and see if that gives an idea.
Thanks for the response, I’ll have a look over the weekend and report back
More regarding setup guide.
Also you might pop on Discord to get more interactive help. discord.gg/netapp