ONTAP Hardware

Getting the most out of my disks



I am somewhat new to the storage game and working for a new company that recently bought a FAS2750 and 1 additional disk shelf. 

I am trying to get our system set up in the best way and can't seem to get use out a large chunk of our disks.


The FAS2750 has 24 1.64TB disks.

the Disk shelf has 12 7.15TB disks.


When I look at my disk summary, it says that i have 85.67TB of spare disk space. 


As far i understand I would need to place the disk shelf disks into a different aggregate because the are different sized disks from the ones in the controller unit. I can't seem to figure out how to get the existing aggregates to let go of these disks so that I can add them to their own aggregate. Is that even the best thing to do with the spare disks?



Please let me know if I should elaborate on anything. 






1.1.0 thought 1.1.11 are spares,  so no need to delete any aggrs.     


Have you verified that the new shelf cabling is good using something like Config Advisor? 


Nodes (controllers) own disks, and disks get pooled to become aggrs.   


for this reconfigure you'd want to do something like this: 


note: there are other ways to do this using wildcards * and the -force flag.  but i figured this is the safest way for a first time doing this. 


storage disk options modify -autoassign off 

storage disk removeowner -disk 1.1.0 

storage disk removeowner -disk 1.1.2

storage disk removeowner -disk 1.1.4

storage disk removeowner -disk 1.1.6

storage disk removeowner -disk 1.1.8

storage disk removeowner -disk 1.1.10
storage disk assign -disk 1.1.0  -owner node-01 

storage disk assign -disk 1.1.2  -owner node-01

storage disk assign -disk 1.1.4  -owner node-01 

storage disk assign -disk 1.1.6  -owner node-01 

storage disk assign -disk 1.1.8  -owner node-01 

storage disk assign -disk 1.1.10  -owner node-01  
storage disk show 

storage disk options modify -autoassign on 


at this point all the new 8TB SATA drives will be owned by node-01 and you can create a new AGGR  11 drives + spare.  



View solution in original post



With that config, I typically do all the "internal" (1.64T drives)  aggr for controller 01.    And the 1.8 drives as an aggr (+1 spare) on  controller 02.   It's not a 50/50 match,  but it's probably the simplest way to do it. 


There's other options though.   You can mix drives inside an aggr.  So you can have 1 raid group of 1.67 drives and one of 1.8.  but that would make it all on one controller.   


He said 7 TB drives.


You'll have to use two of those at a minimum with RAID DP for parity, or three with RAID TEC.


i swear that said 1.8   sorry about that OP. 



Thank you for you input guys. 

I understand that I am going to have lose the space on two or three of the disks for DP but how do i remove these 7TB disks from the aggrs that they are in right now to create a new aggregate?


Or am I able to just keep them in the aggregate they are in but use them for Data instead of spares? <--- This would be "No" right? because you can't mix disk size in the aggregates?






you can't remove disks from an aggr.   You'll need to delete the aggr.   


How many aggrs do you have?   


Can you post the out of the following? 


row 0  

aggr show 

storage disk show -partition-ownership




Here are the results of the commands you asked about. the last one is pretty long!


BR90::> row 0



BR90::> aggr show



Aggregate     Size Available Used% State   #Vols  Nodes            RAID Status

--------- -------- --------- ----- ------- ------ ---------------- ------------

aggr0_BR90_01_root 159.9GB 7.73GB 95% online    1 BR90-01          raid_dp,


aggr0_BR90_02_root 159.9GB 7.75GB 95% online    1 BR90-02          raid_dp,


aggr1_BR90_01 13.05TB 12.95TB   1% online       1 BR90-01          raid_dp,


aggr1_BR90_02 13.05TB 13.04TB   0% online       3 BR90-02          raid_dp,


4 entries were displayed.


BR90::> storage disk show -partition-ownership

Disk     Partition Home              Owner             Home ID     Owner ID

-------- --------- ----------------- ----------------- ----------- -----------


Info: This cluster has partitioned disks. To get a complete list of spare disk capacity use

      "storage aggregate show-spare-disks".

1.0.0    Container BR90-02           BR90-02           538113064   538113064

         Root      BR90-02           BR90-02           538113064   538113064

         Data      BR90-02           BR90-02           538113064   538113064

1.0.1    Container BR90-01           BR90-01           538114752   538114752

         Root      BR90-01           BR90-01           538114752   538114752

         Data      BR90-01           BR90-01           538114752   538114752

1.0.2    Container BR90-02           BR90-02           538113064   538113064

         Root      BR90-02           BR90-02           538113064   538113064

         Data      BR90-02           BR90-02           538113064   538113064

1.0.3    Container BR90-01           BR90-01           538114752   538114752

         Root      BR90-01           BR90-01           538114752   538114752

         Data      BR90-01           BR90-01           538114752   538114752

1.0.4    Container BR90-02           BR90-02           538113064   538113064

         Root      BR90-02           BR90-02           538113064   538113064

         Data      BR90-02           BR90-02           538113064   538113064

1.0.5    Container BR90-01           BR90-01           538114752   538114752

         Root      BR90-01           BR90-01           538114752   538114752

         Data      BR90-01           BR90-01           538114752   538114752

1.0.6    Container BR90-02           BR90-02           538113064   538113064

         Root      BR90-02           BR90-02           538113064   538113064

         Data      BR90-02           BR90-02           538113064   538113064

1.0.7    Container BR90-01           BR90-01           538114752   538114752

         Root      BR90-01           BR90-01           538114752   538114752

         Data      BR90-01           BR90-01           538114752   538114752

1.0.8    Container BR90-02           BR90-02           538113064   538113064

         Root      BR90-02           BR90-02           538113064   538113064

         Data      BR90-02           BR90-02           538113064   538113064

1.0.9    Container BR90-01           BR90-01           538114752   538114752

         Root      BR90-01           BR90-01           538114752   538114752

         Data      BR90-01           BR90-01           538114752   538114752

1.0.10   Container BR90-02           BR90-02           538113064   538113064

         Root      BR90-02           BR90-02           538113064   538113064

         Data      BR90-02           BR90-02           538113064   538113064

1.0.11   Container BR90-01           BR90-01           538114752   538114752

         Root      BR90-01           BR90-01           538114752   538114752

         Data      BR90-01           BR90-01           538114752   538114752

1.0.12   Container BR90-02           BR90-02           538113064   538113064

         Root      BR90-02           BR90-02           538113064   538113064

         Data      BR90-02           BR90-02           538113064   538113064

1.0.13   Container BR90-01           BR90-01           538114752   538114752

         Root      BR90-01           BR90-01           538114752   538114752

         Data      BR90-01           BR90-01           538114752   538114752

1.0.14   Container BR90-02           BR90-02           538113064   538113064

         Root      BR90-02           BR90-02           538113064   538113064

         Data      BR90-02           BR90-02           538113064   538113064

1.0.15   Container BR90-01           BR90-01           538114752   538114752

         Root      BR90-01           BR90-01           538114752   538114752

         Data      BR90-01           BR90-01           538114752   538114752

1.0.16   Container BR90-02           BR90-02           538113064   538113064

         Root      BR90-02           BR90-02           538113064   538113064

         Data      BR90-02           BR90-02           538113064   538113064

1.0.17   Container BR90-01           BR90-01           538114752   538114752

         Root      BR90-01           BR90-01           538114752   538114752

         Data      BR90-01           BR90-01           538114752   538114752

1.0.18   Container BR90-02           BR90-02           538113064   538113064

         Root      BR90-02           BR90-02           538113064   538113064

         Data      BR90-02           BR90-02           538113064   538113064

1.0.19   Container BR90-01           BR90-01           538114752   538114752

         Root      BR90-01           BR90-01           538114752   538114752

         Data      BR90-01           BR90-01           538114752   538114752

1.0.20   Container BR90-02           BR90-02           538113064   538113064

         Root      BR90-02           BR90-02           538113064   538113064

         Data      BR90-02           BR90-02           538113064   538113064

1.0.21   Container BR90-01           BR90-01           538114752   538114752

         Root      BR90-01           BR90-01           538114752   538114752

         Data      BR90-01           BR90-01           538114752   538114752

1.0.22   Container BR90-02           BR90-02           538113064   538113064

         Root      BR90-02           BR90-02           538113064   538113064

         Data      BR90-02           BR90-02           538113064   538113064

1.0.23   Container BR90-01           BR90-01           538114752   538114752

         Root      BR90-01           BR90-01           538114752   538114752

         Data      BR90-01           BR90-01           538114752   538114752

1.1.0    Container BR90-02           BR90-02           538113064   538113064

1.1.1    Container BR90-01           BR90-01           538114752   538114752

1.1.2    Container BR90-02           BR90-02           538113064   538113064

1.1.3    Container BR90-01           BR90-01           538114752   538114752

1.1.4    Container BR90-02           BR90-02           538113064   538113064

1.1.5    Container BR90-01           BR90-01           538114752   538114752

1.1.6    Container BR90-02           BR90-02           538113064   538113064

1.1.7    Container BR90-01           BR90-01           538114752   538114752

1.1.8    Container BR90-02           BR90-02           538113064   538113064

1.1.9    Container BR90-01           BR90-01           538114752   538114752

1.1.10   Container BR90-02           BR90-02           538113064   538113064

1.1.11   Container BR90-01           BR90-01           538114752   538114752

36 entries were displayed.


@joesmith   You replied, but unfortunately it got eaten by the community's overzealous spam filter. I've restored the original response and removed the "duplicate."

Sorry about that!

Community Manager \\ NetApp


Thanks for the output. 

 I would re-assign all the SATA drives to 01 (or 2)  and just create a single aggr with a single spare.   You'd get the best bang for you buck.    


Let  me know if you want the commands. 





Okay, to do that would i need to delete both aggr1's and create 1 new one or am I able to add the disks in the after deleting just one of the aggr1?





Leave those as they are.    you can't mix sas and sata in the same aggr.   


It'll look something like this: 






Thats looks like a great solution. So i guess all I would need to figure out is how to remove the 7tb disks from the current aggr they are assigned to.



I think you mean node?  (node-02) 


I can provide those,  though can verify something for me first?   what's the output of 


row 0 

storage disk show 


Yeah sure. Please note that i have changed the aggregate names since the last time i posted to clean things up a little.

BR90::> row 0



BR90::> storage disk show

                     Usable           Disk    Container   Container   

Disk                   Size Shelf Bay Type    Type        Name      Owner

---------------- ---------- ----- --- ------- ----------- --------- --------


Info: This cluster has partitioned disks. To get a complete list of spare disk capacity use

      "storage aggregate show-spare-disks".

1.0.0                1.63TB     0   0 SAS     shared      BR90_aggr2, aggr0_BR90_02_root BR90-02

1.0.1                1.63TB     0   1 SAS     shared      BR90_aggr1, aggr0_BR90_01_root BR90-01

1.0.2                1.63TB     0   2 SAS     shared      BR90_aggr2, aggr0_BR90_02_root BR90-02

1.0.3                1.63TB     0   3 SAS     shared      BR90_aggr1, aggr0_BR90_01_root BR90-01

1.0.4                1.63TB     0   4 SAS     shared      BR90_aggr2, aggr0_BR90_02_root BR90-02

1.0.5                1.63TB     0   5 SAS     shared      BR90_aggr1, aggr0_BR90_01_root BR90-01

1.0.6                1.63TB     0   6 SAS     shared      BR90_aggr2, aggr0_BR90_02_root BR90-02

1.0.7                1.63TB     0   7 SAS     shared      BR90_aggr1, aggr0_BR90_01_root BR90-01

1.0.8                1.63TB     0   8 SAS     shared      BR90_aggr2, aggr0_BR90_02_root BR90-02

1.0.9                1.63TB     0   9 SAS     shared      BR90_aggr1, aggr0_BR90_01_root BR90-01

1.0.10               1.63TB     0  10 SAS     shared      BR90_aggr2, aggr0_BR90_02_root BR90-02

1.0.11               1.63TB     0  11 SAS     shared      BR90_aggr1, aggr0_BR90_01_root BR90-01

1.0.12               1.63TB     0  12 SAS     shared      BR90_aggr2, aggr0_BR90_02_root BR90-02

1.0.13               1.63TB     0  13 SAS     shared      BR90_aggr1, aggr0_BR90_01_root BR90-01

1.0.14               1.63TB     0  14 SAS     shared      BR90_aggr2, aggr0_BR90_02_root BR90-02

1.0.15               1.63TB     0  15 SAS     shared      BR90_aggr1, aggr0_BR90_01_root BR90-01

1.0.16               1.63TB     0  16 SAS     shared      BR90_aggr2, aggr0_BR90_02_root BR90-02

1.0.17               1.63TB     0  17 SAS     shared      BR90_aggr1, aggr0_BR90_01_root BR90-01

1.0.18               1.63TB     0  18 SAS     shared      BR90_aggr2, aggr0_BR90_02_root BR90-02

1.0.19               1.63TB     0  19 SAS     shared      BR90_aggr1, aggr0_BR90_01_root BR90-01

1.0.20               1.63TB     0  20 SAS     shared      -         BR90-02

1.0.21               1.63TB     0  21 SAS     shared      -         BR90-01

1.0.22               1.63TB     0  22 SAS     shared      BR90_aggr2 BR90-02

1.0.23               1.63TB     0  23 SAS     shared      BR90_aggr1 BR90-01

1.1.0                7.14TB     1   0 FSAS    spare       Pool0     BR90-02

1.1.1                7.14TB     1   1 FSAS    spare       Pool0     BR90-01

1.1.2                7.14TB     1   2 FSAS    spare       Pool0     BR90-02

1.1.3                7.14TB     1   3 FSAS    spare       Pool0     BR90-01

1.1.4                7.14TB     1   4 FSAS    spare       Pool0     BR90-02

1.1.5                7.14TB     1   5 FSAS    spare       Pool0     BR90-01

1.1.6                7.14TB     1   6 FSAS    spare       Pool0     BR90-02

1.1.7                7.14TB     1   7 FSAS    spare       Pool0     BR90-01

1.1.8                7.14TB     1   8 FSAS    spare       Pool0     BR90-02

1.1.9                7.14TB     1   9 FSAS    spare       Pool0     BR90-01

1.1.10               7.14TB     1  10 FSAS    spare       Pool0     BR90-02

1.1.11               7.14TB     1  11 FSAS    spare       Pool0     BR90-01

36 entries were displayed.


1.1.0 thought 1.1.11 are spares,  so no need to delete any aggrs.     


Have you verified that the new shelf cabling is good using something like Config Advisor? 


Nodes (controllers) own disks, and disks get pooled to become aggrs.   


for this reconfigure you'd want to do something like this: 


note: there are other ways to do this using wildcards * and the -force flag.  but i figured this is the safest way for a first time doing this. 


storage disk options modify -autoassign off 

storage disk removeowner -disk 1.1.0 

storage disk removeowner -disk 1.1.2

storage disk removeowner -disk 1.1.4

storage disk removeowner -disk 1.1.6

storage disk removeowner -disk 1.1.8

storage disk removeowner -disk 1.1.10
storage disk assign -disk 1.1.0  -owner node-01 

storage disk assign -disk 1.1.2  -owner node-01

storage disk assign -disk 1.1.4  -owner node-01 

storage disk assign -disk 1.1.6  -owner node-01 

storage disk assign -disk 1.1.8  -owner node-01 

storage disk assign -disk 1.1.10  -owner node-01  
storage disk show 

storage disk options modify -autoassign on 


at this point all the new 8TB SATA drives will be owned by node-01 and you can create a new AGGR  11 drives + spare.  




You are spot on. 

Thank you so much for sticking with me! I really appreciate your help. You have gotten me going.



