ONTAP Hardware
ONTAP Hardware
I have a volume on a FAS 2040 that I think can be deleted but I need to verify something. The volume is configured for 305Gb and 302Gb is un used according to FilerView as well as System Manager. No LUNs are attached to it but at somepoint i think there may have been. How can I find out what that 3Gb of data is? Do I create a CIFS share to the root of this volume or is there another way to do this? Thanks for the tips in advance.
You can also create an NFS Export and browse through the files by mounting the volume to a host.
Hey Arun,
Could you be more specific (probably some step-by-step instruction) as to how I could create an NFS Export. I am new in this area and I hope you could help me.
If you have systemmanager and you create volume through it, it automatically creates an export.
If you have created volume in filer, then login to filer view "http://ip/na_admin"
select filerview
Select NFS -> Add export -> follow the instructions, make read write, also change anonymous user = 0 .
Once the export is created, it can be accessed through : "filerip:/vol/<exported_volume"
Did you get this?
You can also do from cli. See the steps below:
sin> vol create volexp aggr1 50m
Creation of volume 'volexp' with size 50m on containing aggregate
'aggr1' has completed.
say now i have vol volexp.
I create an export:
sin> exportfs -p anon=0 /vol/volexp
The export should so as follows:
[root@shoemaker-rhel6x64-01 /]# ssh sin exportfs | grep -i volexp
root@sin's password:
/vol/volexp -sec=sys,rw,anon=0
Mount the volume and browse the files:
[root@shoemaker-rhel6x64-01 /]# mount sin.rtp.netapp.com:/vol/volexp /mnt/exported
[root@shoemaker-rhel6x64-01 /]# cd /mnt/exported/
[root@shoemaker-rhel6x64-01 exported]# ls
[root@shoemaker-rhel6x64-01 exported]# df .
Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
40960 64 40896 1% /mnt/exported
Hope this is useful.
When creating the NFS Export of 305GB volume of which only 3GB of data is actually there, how much room will i need available to do this? Will this create something that is 305Gb or 3Gb? or will it just create a path so that i can navigate to the current location?
You don't need any room on your host. It just mounts the 305 gb volume on your host as a new disk. you can navigate to that path.
Just try this out. If you hit any error, you can paste it here.