Per our NetApp engineer's recommendation of using name mapping & setting the security style to NTFS for a share that has multiple protocols (NFS & CIFS). We finally had our programmer tested a share called “digital$” (on volume called /vol_digital) that is supposed to be NFS & CIFS.
On the Linux machine we have changed the user and group owernship to “nginx” for a test file called test.txt. During our test, it failed to read the file. But when we changed the security style to “Unix” the test is successful. Of course the "Unix" will mess up our NTFS permisison so that is not a resolution. We also tried "Mixed" without any luck.
For our name mapping, we have the unix to windows as follows:
root -->webuseraccount in windows
nginx -->webuseraccount in windows
NFS mount as follows:
mount -t nfs myipaddress:/vol_digital /mnt/digital
If you have any feedback that would be great. I am thinking there might be something with “no_root_squash”.