ONTAP Hardware
ONTAP Hardware
Hey guys,
Per the spare disks listed below, can the second disk replace the first (mind the MB difference)?
partner 11b.1x.1x 10b 10 17 SA:A 0 SAS 15000 0/0 560208/1147307688
partner 11b.1x.1x 10b 10 16 SA:A 0 SAS 15000 0/0 560879/1148681096
Message was edited by: Ronnie Landman
Yes this is totally OK. One of the reasons for the "disk right sizing" being done by Storage Manufacturers.
No worries,
Yes, I'm aware of the Right Sizing, however I couldn't find any detailed information on it. Does it cut all the disks raw sizes, or just the new ones added based on the lowest size factor?
Because the disk manufacturers are producing disks with diferent geometry, the Storage Companies need to find a way to work around this fact.
NetApp "right sizes" the disks to the lowest numbers of all disks they get (buy). I guess all the Storage Companies do some sort of right-sizing...
So, it does not depend on which disks you are adding to the system, they all are "right-sized" by ONTAP. I'm not aware of a table showing all the details, buit there is one in the "Storage Admin Guide" showing the "netto capacity" of all the disks available.
Hope this answers the question. Peter
Hi Ronnie,
have a look at the thread and another URL given below, you may find an explanation for right sizing