ONTAP Hardware
ONTAP Hardware
Hi, I try upgrade ontap 7.2.3 to 7.3.6 on fas960c all go just ok, an until restart the head. afther restart I have still last version of system.
version -b
1:/x86/kernel/primary.krn: OS 7.3.6
1:/backup/x86/kernel/primary.krn: OS 7.2.3
1:/x86/diag/diag.krn: Diagnostic_5.5.2
1:/x86/firmware/xfiler/firmware.img: Firmware 4.3.1_i2
1:/x86/firmware/rodan/firmware.img: Firmware 4.3.1_i1
all procedure upgrade was done sucessfull no errors
Can you give a clue or idea. What to do?
Your primary kernel is 7.3.6. Where exactly do you see old version?
Hi, Problem resolved I secend time upgrade FAS and sacessfull finish updrade. Tnx for help.
Secend line old is 7.3.2 new 7.3.6
Secend line
Second line shows previous kernel version before update. It is there so you can (more or less easily) revert in case something goes extremely wrong.