I am wondering if there is a complete published list of all the available boot loader options.
I have a FAS3200 controller in our test enviroment that has a faulty dimm and I rebooted the controller to see if it would go away but then it hung on boot with an invalid memory config. I once rember this happened to another FAS3250 and support provided a temp boot loader option to bypass the memory check to get the controller to boot.
It was something like "bootarg.init.no-dimm-config-check" or "bootarg.init.allow_invalid" which sorta got me thinking why isn't there a kb article with them all?
or perhaps "setenv bootarg.init.validate_hw false"
Here are some I know...
LOADER> setenv bootarg.init.console_muted false
LOADER> printenv bootarg.init.console_muted
LOADER> unsetenv bootarg.init.console_muted
setenv bootarg.init.usebootp false
setenv bootarg.init.boot_clustered true
setenv bootarg.init.flash_optimized false
setenv bootarg.bsdportname e0M
setenv bootarg.init.switchless_cluster.enable true
setenv bootarg.init.bootmenu false
I know there is a bunch of boot loader options specific to the Virtual Ontap-V.
setenv bootarg.init.env_shutdown_override
setenv bootarg.nvram.skip_battery_failure