ONTAP Hardware
ONTAP Hardware
I've attached my FAS 3140 (filler 2) network report, just would like to know , is my traffic going through e0M port ? inpite of vif port.
Could you please provide output of 'route -s' command along with your your rc file, looks like there is lot of traffic on e0m port.
I've a NAS connection for this filler & lot of client connected to it but as per my understanding all going thorugh e0M inspite of vif2 available.
What do you think ? might be because of that our connection is bit slow compare to expectation.
My e0M & vif are both in same VLAN , shall I just disable my e0M port what would divert the connection from e0M to vif2 for client ???
Yes, your default route goes via e0M. There is no reason to have e0M if it is on the same network as another interface. Any interface can be used for management.
Shall I just disable e0M port ?? from filler view & start working.or do I need to to anything extra ?
From your other post, I would edit rc and hosts. Filerview could work but had some network bugs in the past. System manager had some fixes in the new version too.