ONTAP Hardware
ONTAP Hardware
Anyone running 8.0.1 on a fas204? if so any issues? I really would like to use the VAAI capabilities with our VMware infrastructure and can't wait to move to this latest release.
The 2040 is not supported.
See: https://now.netapp.com/NOW/knowledge/docs/ontap/rel801rc3/html/ontap/rnote/frameset.html
I hope this response has been helpful to you.
At your service,
Eugene E. Kashpureff
Fastlane NetApp Instructor and Independent Consultant
http://www.linkedin.com/in/eugenekashpureff http://www.kashpureff.org/
(P.S. I appreciate points for helpful or correct answers.)
Hi - I forwarded this along for answers.
We installed 8.0.1 RC3 on our 2040. No problems. We don't have a vmware shop, so I can address that.
Here also 8.0.1.RC3 and so far no issues found.
Per that same link you sent I see the following showing the 2040 is supported…….
Supported systems
You need one of the supported storage systems listed in this section to run Data ONTAP 8.0 7-Mode or later Data ONTAP 8.0.x 7-Mode releases.
The following FAS and V-series storage systems are supported:
Jeff D. Chase
VMware Certified Professional
Sr. Systems Analyst
250 Monroe Avenue NW, Suite 800
P.O. Box 306
Grand Rapids, MI 49501-0306
616.988.1929 Fax
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Oops ! It is on there.
I'd read through once and didn't see the 2XXX systems.
I hope this response has been helpful to you.
At your service,
Eugene E. Kashpureff
Fastlane NetApp Instructor and Independent Consultant
http://www.linkedin.com/in/eugenekashpureff http://www.kashpureff.org/
(P.S. I appreciate points for helpful or correct answers.)
Checking AutoSupport, I found more than 200 FAS2040s that are running Data ONTAP 8.0.1 7-Mode. While I don't have information about any specific customer deployments, the sheer numbers are an indication of the quality and stability of the release overall and usage with FAS2040.
Data ONTAP 8.0.1 7-Mode field adoption and customer experience meet GA criteria, and were it not for additional RC releases needed to complete support for the new FAS/V6200 and 3200 systems, the release would have already been declared GA.
I encourage you move ahead with plans to upgrade to Data ONTAP 8.0.1 7-Mode.
Thanks for the info sshapiro! Definitely helps my decision making when I have info directly from netapp.
Jeff D. Chase
VMware Certified Professional
Sr. Systems Analyst
250 Monroe Avenue NW, Suite 800
P.O. Box 306
Grand Rapids, MI 49501-0306
616.988.1929 Fax
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