ONTAP Hardware
ONTAP Hardware
What is the process of using Disks from another controller of the same model and type as replacements.
I have been trying to add disks that came from another controller and I am able to get the incoming disk in an unowned state.
NAMIA01*> disk show -n
------------ - ------------ ----- ------------- -------------
0d.02.10 Not Owned NONE YFGU75UA
However when ever I try to add to the currentl controller I get this msg
disk assign 0d.02.10 -o NAMIA01
Wed Dec 14 10:15:58 EST [NAMIA01:diskown.changingOwner:info]: changing ownership for disk 0d.02.10 (S/N YFGU75UA) from unowned (ID 4294967295) to NAMIA01 (ID 142241680)
NAMIA01*> Wed Dec 14 10:15:59 EST [NAMIA01:raid.assim.rg.missingChild:error]: Aggregate foreign:aggr1, rgobj_verify: RAID object 0 has only 1 valid children, expected 10.
Wed Dec 14 10:15:59 EST [NAMIA01:raid.assim.plex.missingChild:error]: Aggregate foreign:aggr1, plexobj_verify: Plex 0 only has 0 working RAID groups (1 total) and is being taken offline
Wed Dec 14 10:15:59 EST [NAMIA01:raid.assim.mirror.noChild:ALERT]: Aggregate foreign:aggr1, mirrorobj_verify: No operable plexes found.
Wed Dec 14 10:15:59 EST [NAMIA01:raid.assim.tree.foreign:error]: raidtree_verify: Aggregate aggr1 is a foreign aggregate and is being taken offline. Use the 'aggr online' command to bring it online.
Wed Dec 14 10:15:59 EST [NAMIA01:raid.assim.tree.dupName:notice]: Duplicate aggregate names found, an instance of foreign:aggr1 is being renamed to foreign:aggr1(1).
How can I completly wipe this disk and any other from the Offlined controller so I can use these disks as replacements?
'disk zero spares' ?
You may need to destroy the aggr1(1) aggr before it will zero ...
I hope this response has been helpful to you.
At your service,
Eugene E. Kashpureff, Sr.
Independent NetApp Consultant http://www.linkedin.com/in/eugenekashpureff
Senior NetApp Instructor, FastLane US http://www.fastlaneus.com/
(P.S. I appreciate 'kudos' on any helpful posts.)
Disk is not listed as a spare after I try to add to the controller, so how do i Zero the specific disk......
After adding it controller this is what I see:
0d.02.10 NAMIA01 (142241680) Pool0 YFGU75UA NAMIA01 (142241680)
NAMIA01*> disk show -n
disk show: No disks match option -n.
You may need to destroy the aggr1(1) aggr before it will zero ... ?
Note from your logs:
Wed Dec 14 10:15:59 EST [NAMIA01:raid.assim.tree.foreign:error]: raidtree_verify: Aggregate aggr1 is a foreign aggregate and is being taken offline. Use the 'aggr online' command to bring it online.
Wed Dec 14 10:15:59 EST [NAMIA01:raid.assim.tree.dupName:notice]: Duplicate aggregate names found, an instance of foreign:aggr1 is being renamed to foreign:aggr1(1).
I hope this response has been helpful to you.
At your service,
Eugene E. Kashpureff, Sr.
Independent NetApp Consultant http://www.linkedin.com/in/eugenekashpureff
Senior NetApp Instructor, FastLane US http://www.fastlaneus.com/
(P.S. I appreciate 'kudos' on any helpful posts.)
Ok so add the disk destory the aggr1(1) then disk zero spares, let me give that a shot.