Active IQ Unified Manager Discussions

Ops Manager - Tiered reporting groups?



I'm very new to Operations Manager...but what I'd like to do is create a Tiered Structure in groups for reporting purposes. So, for example...under Global I would have a sub-group for each Division, and under each division I would have a sub-group for that divisions departments. At the department group level, I could create further sub-groups for their specific applications. So the group structure would be Division -> Department -> Departmental Apps. Then, I figured I would assign volumes, LUNs, qtrees, resources, etc to the lowest levels. Once I had all the resoures assigned at the lowest level, I was hoping it would automatically tie to the upper levels. So, if I defined which resources are assigned to all the departments in a division, and then ran a report against the Division group, it would be an aggregate of all the department groups automatically.

Does or can it work this way? If not and I wanted to report on all those levels, would it then be necessary to assign the same resource to all three groups? I hope not..that would seem like a lot of overhead.

I hope I explained this clearly enough....





Hi Brian,

Tiered structures is definitely something that Operations Manager can deal with and roll up reports as you requested. The trick when constructing the reports is to ensure you configure the report to include the sub-groups.

I've been working with Operations Manager for over six years in this manner.

I just hope your organization is not too large and subsequent to constant re-orgs otherwise you will have a full time job restructuring Operations Manager



Thanks Richard! I'm glad to hear this is possible.

Can you go into a little more detail how you do this when construction the reports? I have a very simple test setup now with a Division Group and a Department group nested under it. The nested group has some volumes & qtrees associated with it and the division has some vols and qtree associated with it. Now I'd like to a simple report at the division level for total storage allocated and total storage used -- how can I do that? I played around a little in custom reports...but it only seems to allow you to customize what data you want in the report....not which groups the report applies to. When I go to run a custom report there I can select which group, but only one? I can't find where I can select a group and sub-groups together for a single report....




Hi Brian,

OK - let me start by retracting what I said about subgroups (guess that what happens when you work with script plugins all week, where you have to define whether you are running against subgroup or not, and trying to respond to posts on a Friday afternoon - must be quitting time soon).

So if you want to find used and allocated space for your Division, expand the group tree view in the left pane and select your highest level object you want to report on (in your case division).

Then in the main window select the Member Details tab, and choose the File Systems sub category.

In the report drop down box toward the top right of the screen select Volume Space Availability.

This report provides the closest match to your allocated and used reporting requirements at the volume and qtree levels.




Hi Brian,

     Below is the report view cli.

dfm report view [ <options> ] <report-name> [ <report-arguments> ... ]

Some of the options are

The options are
        -g <group-id or group-name>
        -F <output-format>
        -l <lines>
        -q (quiet)
        -s <sortby-field>
        -x (show all fields; only in perl output format)
        -N <repeat-for>
        -i <repeat-interval>
        -t <timeout> (in seconds; for streaming reports)
        -H show deleted objects

where in you are use the report-arguments option to drill the report to a specific object.

In DFM everything is an object.So you can give the sub group names, filer names, aggr names, etc.


