Active IQ Unified Manager Discussions

SV target non-complicant because or source dedupe


Hi Guys,

Another question for ya's......this time dedupe related.

I have a number of filers protected with PM which is SV'ing to the target system offsite.  My source filers are currently running 8.0.2p6 and 8.0.3p1 and vaulting to 8.1p1. Now that my destinations are running 8.1p1, I can dedupe up to a max of 100tb per vol.....I'm running into many non-conformant issues in my datasets because I have a number of qtrees that once rehydrated to SV exceed 16tb.  My source volumes are a mix of 32/64bit and bound to the 16tb dedupe limit.  Knowing that SV is essentially QSM under the covers, should my destination volumes provisioned via ProtMgr not be able to dedupe up to the 100tb limit even tho the source is at the 16tb limit? 

I hope I explained it clearly, it's perfectly clear in my head 😄

anyways, if more info is needed, please let me know.






What version of DFM / OnCommand are you running Protection Manager in?   Also, what is the controller model of the SV secondary controller?

My first suspicion is that you're hitting an outdated - or non-existent - resource limit in Protection Manager.  A resouce limit is a unique combination of Data ONTAP, storage sytem model, and HA pair settings that tells PM what its limits are.  Such as:

  • Maximum deduplication size for FlexVols,
  • Maximum number of FlexVols that can be provisioned,
  • and other factors that affect provisioning.

Many of these come pre-populated with Protection Manager, but as newer versions of ONTAP and controllers are relased you might have to update these. If PM cannot find a resouce limit for your combination of Data ONTAP, storage system model and HA pair settings, I believe it will use default limits.

Run the following CLI command on your PM server and capture the output in a text file.  Then, see if you can find a resource limit defined for your controller model and ONTAP version.

# dfpm reslimit get > reslimit.out.txt

If you can't, you can create a new resource limit.  For example, for ONTAP 8.1.1 and a FAS6280 controller:

# dfpm reslimit create 8.1.1 FAS6280

Created new resource limit (nnn).

# dfpm reslimit set <nnn> maxDedupeSizeInGB=102400

# dfpm reslimit set <nnn> maxFlexVols=500

# dfpm reslimit get <nnn>

Id                                                                             <nnn>

ONTAP Version                                                                  8.1.1

Product Model                                                                  FAS6280

Availability                                                                   None

Maximum number of FlexVols per storage controller                              500

Maximum CPU utilization threshold of storage controller

Maximum Disk utilization threshold of an aggregate

Maximum Deduplication size of a storage system model and ONTAP version (in GB) 102400


Hi Reid,

thanks for the info.....  i've taken the easy way and run 'dfpm reslimit create 8.1.1 FAS6280/6080'... gonna give it a try now to see how things are.



Hi Scott,

             Your perfectly explained the problem. We understood and know what the problem is and also have a workaround. What version of DFM are you using ? I recommend you to upgrade to 5.0.1 if you aren't already. If you still want to continue in 4.0.2X then at-least upgrade to 4.0.2D12.

You are a hitting bug 591117.Can you pls raise a case and against this bug ? This bug is not fixed in either of the release I recommended. But there is a workaround.

Pls use the work around suggested by reid to get things going. But the only caveat is that if you have both 32 and 64 bit aggr in your 8.1 then following may happen.

"By implementing this work around we are enabling the volume provisioning to be restricted only based on the single <value> set for both 32bit and 64bit aggregates.

Hence if you like to provision a 32bit dedupe volume by setting the 64bit resource limit value the volume will be provisioned with 64 bit limit which may make the volume not suitable

for De-duplication"

Here is the public report for the same.




Hey Adai,

I'm currently running OC5.0.1 across all my DFM servers.... I've also hit up our GSAM so he's aware of the issue and will be wrapping a case around the issue as you've asked.


