About 50% of the time, the NetApp Cinder driver (7-mode) does not create a custom parent volume to create iSCSI LUNs, instead using a volume created for NFS sharing of glance images.
For instance, the netapp cinder driver should create a volume based on the tenant UUID like this:
Then it should create a single volume/lun under that parent volume for a user created volume, like this:
The resulting LUN looks like this:
This happens about 50% of the time. The other 50% the driver defaults to a volume currently used for glance images (/vol/vol2):
This became broken in the last few months - I can't pinpoint exactly when. Here are the current RPMs installed on the cinder-volume (controller) node:
I need this a) fixed and b) a way to migrate iscci volumes out of the glance NFS volume into tenant specific volumes.