Tech ONTAP Blogs

Getting started with Cloud Insights: ONTAP Essentials, Part 2.


Getting started with Cloud Insights: ONTAP Essentials, Part 2.

Recapping from Part 1, ONTAP Essentials is an ONTAP focused user experience within Cloud Insights.  It enables customers to monitor and visualize NetApp on-prem or cloud hosted storage infrastructure with all the benefits of SaaS

  • SaaS based solution – no on-prem footprint to procure or maintain.
  • Scales to cover your entire world wide enterprise storage infrastructure.
  • Out of the Box zero configuration best practice monitoring and alerting in near realtime.
  • Unique Capabilities: User Defined Dashboards and Monitors, power consumption monitoring, understand your storage performance and health in context of  virtualized compute.

In this post we will take a tour of the Ontap Essentials UI and highlight important features.  For a video of onboarding, check out the following link:


ONTAP Essentials is located on the left hand navigation menu at the same level as Observability and Security functions.  As shown in our previous onboarding post where we setup monitoring and alerting, if you haven’t added an ONTAP system to Cloud Insights, clicking here will help you get started.




Once you’ve added one or more systems and given data collection time to run, the onboarding display is replaced with the below dashboard displaying summary information about your ONTAP systems.  Across the top we see information showing performance and capacity utilization in aggregate,  health indicators predicting performance or capacity exhaustion in the next 90 days and below we find supporting information provides additional detail on performance and capacity usage.



As a reminder, Cloud Insights has many more dashboards available.  You can access via the dashboard gallery or design your own under Observability -> Dashboards.



The ONTAP Essentials navigation provides quick access to common ONTAP components:


ONTAP Essentials:

  • Overview: The above dashboard.
  • Data Protection: Health and Status of your data protection configuration.
  • Alerts: ONTAP Alerts detected by Cloud Insights
  • Infrastructure: Hardware and services focused on providing storage
  • Networking: Hardware Ports and Service Interfaces
  • Workloads: NAS/SAN Storage provided to end users



Within ONTAP Essentials, Alerts are scoped to issues pertaining to your NetApp ONTAP infrastructure.  Below we see two clusters that are missing the FIPS security setting.



These alerts indicate they have a corrective action, clicking through will give you details on the Alert and the suggested corrective action:




Infrastructure and Services Views

For Cloud Insights veterans, the Infrastructure, Networking and Workloads sections behave a bit like prebuilt queries, and for Unified Manager veterans they should be familiar and quickly help you find the components you’re looking for.  Each provides an inventory of the relevant storage objects with task focused views.  In the example below we’re showing the anti-ransomware state of SVMs, achieved by picking Infrastructure->Storage VMs and then selecting ‘Storage VMs Anti-ransomware’ pulldown.  This view shows us the anti-ransomware enablement state of each SVM, and how many volumes are associated with the SVM – which in this case require protection.



Try out each area – check out your CIFS, NAS or LUNs shares under workloads, checkout your Snapmirror relationships under Data Protection.  Do you have a favorite custom query you’ve written you think we should include?  Checkout the volume performance, protection and security views.  Share your thoughts in the feedback.


Cloud Insights: ONTAP Essentials will be updated regularly with new content.  Check back often to see what’s been added!


Next Up: Metric Monitors

