Tech ONTAP Blogs

Optimizing NetApp backups with Veeam Data Platform


Is your data footprint constantly growing? Are you having trouble consistently meeting backup windows for your applications? Providing reliable data protection for large datasets is increasingly difficult and complex for enterprises of all sizes. NetApp and Veeam are excited to announce new functionality in the Veeam Data Platform (VDP) v12.3 that delivers new integration with NetApp® ONTAP® systems to provide efficient data protection for NetApp customers.


The NetApp SnapDiff® feature enables efficient data protection for large datasets. It’s a differencing engine that identifies block-level changes between two volume Snapshot™ copies, and it’s available as a standard feature on ONTAP systems. By integrating with SnapDiff, VDP can deliver fast and efficient NAS backups for NetApp storage, using native ONTAP functionality to identify changed data since the last backup. Here are some key benefits that the new SnapDiff integration provides for VDP and NetApp users:

  • Performance. Using SnapDiff to identify changed files can significantly reduce the time required to successfully back up any ONTAP NAS volume.
  • Efficiency. SnapDiff removes the need for VDP to identify changed files, eliminating a compute-intensive process that consumes valuable system resources.
  • Simplicity. Using this new functionality is as easy as clicking a checkbox!

Here’s an overview of how the process works.


Figure 1) VDP uses SnapDiff to efficiently manage NAS backups for NetApp storage.


Configuring a SnapDiff backup in VDP is the same simple, user-friendly experience you expect from Veeam. You simply click a checkbox to enable change file tracking when creating a backup job, and VDP uses SnapDiff when running NAS backup jobs for ONTAP systems. For a detailed explanation of how to configure a NAS backup for NetApp storage systems, check out Specify File Share Processing Settings.


Figure2) A single checkbox in the VDP UI enables SnapDiff.


Here’s a quick view of VDP in action, backing up an ONTAP CIFS share with SnapDiff enabled.


Figure 3) VDP backup of an ONTAP volume with SnapDiff enabled.



Committed partners NetApp and Veeam are working on several technology integrations that will continue to innovate and improve data protection. With this latest VDP update, Veeam users can protect NetApp workloads faster and more efficiently. Stay tuned for upcoming announcements about how NetApp and Veeam are working together to deliver the most advanced solutions for on premises, cloud, and Kubernetes data protection and resilience.  

For more information about NetApp SnapDiff, check out this NetApp Knowledge Base article.

For more information about protecting your NetApp storage systems with Veeam, check out this Veeam article.
