Also, are you familiar with the powershell toolkit. This is something that you need to work on to get started. How many controllers are we talking about and about how many volumes?
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I'm assuming you have multiple interfaces as per your statement... What's your traceroute to the filer? On the filer you can run ifstat -a and check the traffic flow of your interface vifs. Worst comes to worse, you can use host file entries
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^^ Only if you are using a named snapshot, which I might have mistated because this isn't a VSM target so you aren't using the VSM base snapshot. If you are using the VSM base snapshot then you dont' need source snapshots.. so I'm glad you corrected me..
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Ok, unless i'm completely off base, which I don't think i am b/c i know 7-mode snapvault pretty well, i believe your consultant set the environment up wrong. There is no need to create snapvault sched's on the primary. This is a complete waste. The way snapvault works is you create an xfer snapvault schedule and once it's done doing the snapvault update it then creates the snapvault snapshot. I have absolutely no idea what your consultant did because to me that doesn't make sense. He's not using a named snapshot from what i can see. Are you mirroring that source volume as well? Also, make sure your dst vol has no snap sched on it.
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Why are you creating snapvault snapshots on the primary. I'm not exactly sure you are doing this properly.... What is controller the snapvault transfer?
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Ok, i'm not sure how many filers you are looping through but here's a suggestion If you are using a csv or txt file import there are different ways to do it Also, if you don't need credential and are using RPC it's easier as well So for example $filers = gc c:\filers.txt $filers | % { $filer = $_ $c = connect-nacontroller $filer get-naaggr } Obviously, there are other ways to do that.. If you want to append it to a csv, I would suggest outputing it to a csv with -append and building an expression statement with Select-object for your controller So, something like this. get-naaggr | Select @{n='filer';E={($global:currentnacontroller).name}},Name, State,Totalsize,Used,Available | epcsv -append c:\temp\filers.csv -notypeinformation Now once you use that type of select object, you will have to build expression statements with convertto-formattednumber or math .net functions Give it a shot, if you get stuck we can help
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Ok, Im pretty well versed in dfm, and I appreciate your help, which is leading me to more confusion as to why this doesn't work. dfm perf data retrieve -o filer1 -C volume:volumeb:cifs_read_latency -C volume:volumebS:nfs_read_latency -s 300 -b "2015-04-01 16:00:00" -e "2015-04-03 21:30:00" That returns all the volumes on filer1 cifs_read and nfs_read latency
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so, i want to see statistics from the cli for a specific volume and I'm trying -C volume:volumename:cifs_read_latency but it keeps giving me all the volumes. Is there a way to get just a single volume?
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I didn't know that was possible without disks.. I would suggest headswap.. Make sure there are no issues and then upgrade. Don't introdoce too much change in one sitting.
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Yes, you can setup two two node clusters I'm not trying to be rude, but if you are setting up a four node cluster and are asking these basic questions you need expert help in setting these clusters up or you will 100% not do it properly.
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