Just an FYI - There is a powershell forum (although hard to find) Filesused is how many inodes are used, and filestotal is how many total inodes in a vol on a controller df -i will represent same thing
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to add - can't be added prior to vfiler config b/c I think it checks the rc file to make sure .. I could be wrong.. I would have to double-check in lab
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Ok, let me help you out... Are they all on the same controller? If not, do they experience all the same characterstics that we can query against.. The beauty of powershell is that its flexible and powerful, so we can script just about anything.. You want powershell to do the logic for you to make your life easy.. Let's start there and then I can ehp build your script
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Wow.. The above code looks messy but if it works great. You are querying and then setting and then looping it through foreach.. confusing
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You will only ever need that if you need to revert back.. Since you don't you can safely remove it. There will be no impact to product data if you remove a snapshot.
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Are you using the CLI for your snapvault relationships? It sounds that way. Oncommand Unified Manager, is where you would create datasets
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You keep saying Destination... That's your new Source production volume. As others have said there is NO issue in remove that snapmirror snapshot. Why would you think this affects production?
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This thread is confusing... A snapmirror destination isn't in production b/c if's read-only. From what I gather you broke off a relationship and the old snapmirror desitnation is now production. Are you not snapmirroring the new production volume to another filer for DR? If you don't plan on re-using the src, as others has said, you need to remove the snapmirror base snapshot.
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Here's how i would skin this cat... So you have a few requirements but I will get you started get-nacifsshareacl | select sharename -expandproperty useraclinfo | % { if ($_.accessrights -eq "change") { set-nacifsshareacl $_.sharename $_.username -accessrights "Full Control"} } } You want to make your modifications there.. I can help you out more if you give us a little more detail
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Did you look at snapmirror log file to see what's going on. Also, are you running this from the snapvault secondary? I tend to run snapvault update dst:dsttree Sometimes if it flips to pending, there could be a locked snapshot, are you coming off a mirror? Do snapvault status -l
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I'm making a little bit of headway on this PS C:\powershell> get-nanfsexport | select -first 1 | Select pathname, @{N="Root";E={($_.securityrules).root}},@{N="r/w";e={($_.securityrules).readwrite}} Pathname Root r/w -------- ---- --- /dump {host1, host2} all-hosts But I still need to figure out how to make that embedded object just a string ..
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Is the cluster production yet? E0a and e0b are generally two network adapters that make up your ifgrp configuration. But, your cluster should be clusterable iwthout those.. When an 8020 is cabled up properly, the cluster is connected with the interconnections. Take my advice, run config advisor.
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We need a little more information.. I assume we are talking 7-mode Is it cabled up properly for HA Type cf status Also, run config advisor against the nodes to make sure things are ok.
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That codes not working, but I think your onto something.. I'm hoping beam or clinton chime in on embedded objects.. I'm going to give this another whirl..
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Guys.. I need a little kick-start here.. I'm struggling with the formatting of embedded objects. get-nanfsexport has a property security rules that has your readwrite hosts and root access which is yet another embedded object. I'm just trying to do something what should be basic but I need a little kickstart pathname readwrite root So, the output i'm looking for would be osmething like /vol/vol0 all Hence i'm not that good with -expandproperty and multiple embedded objects...
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Yeah, netapp got us all excited about OCR and then pulled the product and want you to buy insight.. I would suggest people don't use OCR since it's EOA, EOL within 2 years
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Kevin - They appear to be talking about OCR, not OCUM... IN OCR, there is no way to save reports, i've been down that road before.. If we are talking about OCUM, there are many ways to save reports to a network share via cli script
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Unless Im missing something, (totally possible) can get-nadiskowner where disks are unowned, the value is null, which is true, b/c there is no owner, but can it be similiar to the cli where it states "not owned"
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