Ugg, ontap edge.. anyways... I don't know how you lost that battle b/c vfiler-dr is worth more to a business DR strategy than the reduced cost of ontap edge. This is just my opinion, There's a difference between price and cost, and your management is making the wrong decision. As for managing different name spaces, it's hard to manage different name spaces, how are you going to correlate what filer is joined as what. Please take this as constructive criticism.
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What? You are going from a fas2050 to a fas2050. This seems like wasted effort. The 2050 is EOA/EOL at some point this year or last year, I can't remember. You should make a case to get a 2254 and start a migration.
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Ok, i need to address this.. Why on earth would you be going away with vfiler? There has to be a lot of convincing on my part to part ways with vfiler You can join the domain as any workstation name if you want.. But again, it's annoying to manage and have no idea why you would do that. We are talking 7-mode here
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Ok, so where are you pulling that from? sv_backup03? If that's the case if you try to delete that snap it will say it's busy right? If that's the case, one of the only ways I was able to get past this transitioning snap was to do a takeover and giveback of the cluster or a reboot if its standalone. Once that's done, it will release the *lock* on that snap and you should be able to delete it. Give that a shot
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Ok, i've been through this before.. I don't know exactly what causes this.. So.. just so i'm sure, sv_silver11 show me snap list from volume please.. Then I will make final recommendation
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Give us the output from reallocate status Also, with default fractional reserve of 100, that should be the volume should be 2x the size of the lun, as to protect the lun. (unless i'm wrong) Best practice now is fractional reserve 0, and autogrow
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Also you said you are serving luns.. What is your fractional reserve setting? You should look into volume autogrow so you don't have this issue and can sleep like a baby
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Ok, you need to offline all the volumes and destroy all the aggregates and then zero the spares and start over.. Boot into maintenence mode and start over But you need to learn the basics of netapp and it doesn't sound like you have.. Start with the WBT
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What are you trying to do. You have two failed parity disks it looks like and no spares.. Do you have any unknown disks disk show -n aggr status -s aggr status -f You don't need docs to understand failed drives.. Are you managing live data on that cluster?
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Yes, we need to understand why you are trying to use snapshot delta in the first place.. Billyd, - IMHO - Here is the way you should do it using the cmdlets from netapp convertto-formattednumber ((get-navol vol0 | get-nasnapshot | measure -property Total -sum).sum) data size "0.0" 4.5 GB You can you system.math .net functions, but yours should look something like this [math]::round(((get-navol vol0 | get-nasnapshot | measure -property Total -sum).sum/1gb),2) 4.5
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No, the beauty of this is once you pull the disks the entire aggregate disappears.. Don't have to worry about destroying it.. IT's gone.. Then you put those disks aside b/c they can never be used again
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Ok, first things first.. Are you using SME with exchange? What version of exchange are you running? Im just trying to figure out your DR test. The best way that i've gotten rid of a snaplock aggregate is pull all the disks that are associated with the aggregate. Make sure you disable clustering b/c once the aggregate is in failed state it will try to fail over. You will need to reboot the system to fully remove the aggregate.
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Documentation vs real-world... yeah.. that's always a treat. I see no issue with vlan tagging and lacp.. But it's up to you.. I fyou want to keep it all segrated, get a riser card
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I was working on this as well in powershell.. If you need root/rw print out it becomes more difficult. Easiest way right now is to dump nfs export report from operations manager
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Exactly e0m confuses people... In my opinion, at 100mbit, it's useless.. and in both the environments where i've been (large) we never uses it..
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Im not a fan of e0m, and never was... It changes on the 8000 series, but i've been in shops with 200+ filers and we never used e0m.. We usually send snapmirror traffic over 10g vif as well.. e0m is useless 🙂
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Sure if you use rsh and open up host.equiv (unsecure) You're not listening.. Focus on powershell, that's the direction that Netapp is going.. It's very simple.
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