Perhaps the cmdlet for sessionid needs to be changed from int64 to decimal
PS C:\powershell> [decimal]13404964290887995043 13404964290887995043 PS C:\powershell> [decimal]13404964290887995043 | gm
TypeName: System.Decimal
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I forgot to mention that I already knew it was 1 digit bigger than max value. I checked that as well. That was my first run at this.
Invoke-ncssh works, but is not nearly as easy as passing the pipeline.
I think the team needs to fix this.. maybe pass as string..
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I'm not quite sure what is going on here, but this should be simple pipeline to close-nccifssession
First we see this
PS C:\powershell> get-nccifssession | ? {$_.windowsuser -match "userid"} | close-nccifssession -confirm:$false close-nccifssession : Parameter 'SessionId' is mandatory for Data ONTAP 9.0 and up. At line:1 char:61 + ... windowsuser -match "userid"} | close-nccifssession -confirm:$false + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + CategoryInfo : InvalidArgument: (filer:NcController) [Close-NcCifsSession], ArgumentException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : SessionIdRequired,DataONTAP.C.PowerShell.SDK.Cmdlets.Cifs.CloseNcCifsSession
Then we try this
PS C:\powershell> close-nccifssession -SessionId 13404964290887995043 Close-NcCifsSession : Cannot bind parameter 'SessionId'. Cannot convert value "13404964290887995043" to type "System.Int64". Error: "Value was either too large or too small for an Int64." At line:1 char:32 + close-nccifssession -SessionId 13404964290887995043
This has to be some sort of bug
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Yup, even if I remove it. I used to post a lot of scripts in the past, but then I get tons of private emails, so it was distracting.
It's really simple, all the cmdlets work
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We've developed fully functional SVM-DR Scripts for failover/failbackup and clean-up of snaps.
These are proprietory scripts so we cannot post, but we can answer questions
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Add the following share properties and see if this fixes it
showsnapshot - This property specifies that Snapshot copies can be viewed and traversed by clients.
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Can you show this command
vol show -vol nameof vol -vserver nameofvserver -fields snapdir-access
also, show this
cifs share properties show -vserver nameofvserver -share-name nameofshare
Here is associated KB -
namefoshare should be your volume admin share.
Browse your admin volume share, and go to previous versions to see if you see snaps
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just an FYI - we don't stretch vlans, and we use the -discard network flag and we use LOTS of svm-DR. We love it.
Just note that there are some new features within data ontap where svm-dr cannot work, like fabric pools
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Thanks for another release.
Back in the 7-mode days, we used get-natoolkitversion a lot with queries on scripts for cmdlets.
If possible, can we get get-nctoolkitversion for the next release. get-natoolkitversion reports 4.4 not 4.6.
unless I missed something in one of the cmdlets.
Also, if possible, can we have an add-on to the scanner pool policy to apply to certain clusters for svm-dr
we have to bypass this by doing
Invoke-NcSsh "vserver vscan scanner-pool apply-policy -vserver " + $VserverName + " -scanner-pool " + $ScannerPoolName + " -scanner-policy " + $ScanPol + " -cluster " + $ScanPolCluster
The -cluster flag is what we are missing....
any assistance in the next release would be great.
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You seem very basic. You need to read the documentation or run an upgrade advisor. Netapp makes it easy for you, just put some time in and read or run the upgrade advisor
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And andy what i'm noticing is if you have SVM-DR the pipeline command doens't work
so for example
get-ncsnapmirror -vserver testvserver | invoke-ncsnapmirrorupdate or any pipeline.
Perhaps this is a bug
Sorry to latch onto an old thread.
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We are finally getting around to doing this and would like to do with in powershell / WFA, but I have a question..
It seems when I try to break the svm-dr relationship for example from powershell
get-ncsnapmirror -vserver testvserver | ? {$_.destinationlocation -eq "testvserver:"} | invoke-ncsnapmirrorbreak it comes back with the following errors
Invoke-NcSnapmirrorBreak : Cannot bind argument to parameter 'DestinationVolume' because it is null.
with SVM you have to break the top relationship only so it's testverserver: (notice with 🙂
I'm sure it's something simple, If anyone can assist that would be great.
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You can try to muck around with fsecurity, but we do this with a combination of custom scripts that grab the shares, put the share permissions and then grab the AD groups associated at a folder level.
We have a pretty standard naming convention, so if it's a read group, it's _R and if Change it's _C.
I recommend you look at the open source ntfssecurity module in the technet site for anything to do with NTFS perms.
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$vols1 = gc ".\volumes15.txt"
$vols1 | % {get-ncvol $_}
or $vols1 = gc ".\volumes15.txt" foreach ($vol in $vols1) { get-ncvol $vol}
gives the same result, its reads only the end of the file, for example if i have 3 volumes its acts only on the the last line/3rd volume
That's impossible. Post your file
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In Ontap 9, destroying a volume isn't that bad anymore. They have created a recovery que. We adjust all our SVM's to 168hours, and we don't purge the recovery queue unless we are doing testing.
I would look into that because you are doing lots of extra work.
Also, powershell is super flexible, you can code whatever you want and how you want...
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All those cmdlets take pipeline input
so for example
get-ncvol -Name *sqlvol1 | set-ncvol -offline | remove-ncvol -confirm:$false
Your code doesn't work below and is confusing.. The above line will do the trick, and you don't need the vols in a file if you know the pattern
If you have the vols in a file like this
$vols = gc filenameofvols.txt
connect-nccontroller $controller -cred $cred
$vols | % {
get-ncvol $_ | set-ncvol -offline | remove-ncvol -confirm:$false
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When you say upgrade, did you to a Copy Free transition or use TDP mirrors to migration or use a client side tool to do migrations
And is the data just file system data or Vms or databases.
Netapps snaps have been around forever, so you as for a deep dive, it's simple change blocks get put to snaps, and should be 4k increments
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In order to log a priv delete, snaplock log volume must be a compliance volume.
I could be wrong, but I thought the license was good for either..
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