I'm just curious is there a cmdlet for lock break. I've done a little searching but came up empty. Other than using invoke-nassh and running the ssh command, i was wondering if there was a native cmdlet for this. Thanks
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you can do it a little differently and you aren't creating a credential object. You should do that ## Define Global PWD $password = read-host "Enter Root password" -assecurestring #$password = ConvertTo-SecureString "*" -AsPlainText -Force $cred = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList "root",$password And dont' have to connect directly to the vfiler to get the volumes, you can connect to the filer and use where-object to filter for your vfiler $nacontroller = connect-nacontroller -name $netapp -cred $cred get-navol | ? {$_.vfiler -eq "$vfiler"} Do a search, i have posted an excel dashboard that should dump this out
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20 would be my absolute top with 3TB drives. You are burning 2 drives.. hence other 2 are for spares. Rebuild time would be 27+hrs. Tread lightly with larger drives, that's all i'm saying..
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Kathy, It all depends on your need. Do you need to grow your current aggregate. Can you easily migrate volumes to another aggregate. As the drives get larger, i always get a little leary on having such big raid groups with sata disks. I've been burned when i lost a 40TB aggr with rg 20 disks on a triple disk failure due to the moos drive issue a few years back. Also, do the drives right size down when you mix and match? I think they do. I vote for new aggregate with smaller rg's. But, I tend to be more risk adverse
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Jeremy, Ok, I back tracked a little.. I rebooted the server, reimported the module, and then I was prompted with snapcreator module not loaded properly. So I downloaded the 4.1 toolkit and installed that. Now, i'm getting prompted with the following error An error occurred while making the HTTP request to https://WFAserver:8080/services/v1/EngineService/. This could be due to the fact that the server certificate is not configured properly with HTTP.SYS in the HTTPS case. This could also be caused by a mismatch of the security binding between the client and the server. Now, quick question, since this is our lab environment, snapcreator server is running on the WFA server as well, just a different port. IIs that ok?
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thanks.. a reboot fixed this and i confirmed a path is there .. This all happened since i tried to install snapcreator for wfa. I'm failing miserably. I have another thread on that.. I will try to update that...
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Ok, so this goes back to my original thread with snapcreator, but it seems that we have broken some other working work flows Cannot run program "powershell" (in directory "D:\Program Files\NetApp\WFA\jboss\standalone\tmp\wfa"): CreateProcess error=2, The system cannot find the file specified Any idea what this is caused by?
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Ok, here is from the WFA log - There's much more, but this is the gyst. I've replaced the ip with Now just to confirm, when i created the datasource, I put the admin/password for snapcreator. Also, if you're wondering why i want to try snapcreator, we are trying to roll out an enterprise tool to managed/replace a custom snapshot script that we then feed to ndmp backup 13:46:16,333 INFO [com.netapp.wfa.job.backend.JobsExecutionInterceptor] (Thread-29810 (HornetQ-client-global-threads-2005906834)) Job CacheJob{, dataSourceId=DataSourceInfo{id=2, name='snap creator', connectionDetails=ConnectionDetails{id=2, ip='', port=8080, userName='admin', password='******'}, dataProviderType=DataProviderType{id=9, productType='Snap Creator', productVersion='1.2', scheme='Snap_Creator'}}, schemeId=Scheme{id=6, name='Snap_Creator'}, dataSourceName='snap creator', schemeName='Snap_Creator'} started 13:46:16,458 DEBUG [com.netapp.wfa.common.stats.MethodInvocationStatsInterceptor] (Thread-29810 (HornetQ-client-global-threads-2005906834)) FAILED milliseconds=15 depth=3 class=ScriptBasedCommandExecutor method=executeScriptCommand:Snap_Creator parameters=[POWER_SHELL,600,{}] 13:46:16,521 DEBUG [com.netapp.wfa.common.stats.MethodInvocationStatsInterceptor] (Thread-29810 (HornetQ-client-global-threads-2005906834)) FAILED milliseconds=141 depth=2 class=CacheJobExecutorImpl method=execute parameters=[2693,CacheJob{, dataSourceId=DataSourceInfo{id=2, name='snap creator', connectionDetails=ConnectionDetails{id=2, ip='', port=8080, userName='admin', password='******'}, dataProviderType=DataProviderType{id=9, productType='Snap Creator', productVersion='1.2', scheme='Snap_Creator'}}, schemeId=Scheme{id=6, name='Snap_Creator'}, dataSourceName='snap creator', schemeName='Snap_Creator'}] 13:46:16,536 ERROR [com.netapp.wfa.job.backend.JobsExecutionInterceptor] (Thread-29810 (HornetQ-client-global-threads-2005906834)) Job CacheJob{, dataSourceId=DataSourceInfo{id=2, name='snap creator', connectionDetails=ConnectionDetails{id=2, ip='', port=8080, userName='admin', password='******'}, dataProviderType=DataProviderType{id=9, productType='Snap Creator', productVersion='1.2', scheme='Snap_Creator'}}, schemeId=Scheme{id=6, name='Snap_Creator'}, dataSourceName='snap creator', schemeName='Snap_Creator'} failed: com.netapp.wfa.cache.execution.CacheException: Failed running cache job - databases were dumped to D:\Program Files\NetApp\WFA\jboss\standalone\tmp\wfa\localhost-wfa_staging#Snap_Creator-6560486066194879475.dump
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Frank, That's some pretty basic stuff.. Do a search for some of my scripts that I posted to the community. I think there is a snapmirror one out there. and it can easily be ported to excel
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Ok Ok.. I'm making progress.. I went into execution - data sources - Create new data source I put in the information for our snap creator server and I enter their admin id and password. I followed the instructions above, did a reset schema and acquire now. status is still failed and the message I get now is "CreateProcess error=2, The system cannot find the file specified"
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Ok, let me level set here.. my WFA knowledge is like a 0 🙂 Ok, so I went into designer mode and clicked data sources. Found the snap creator data source and clicked "edit" The screen capture is what I see. That looks very different from the above post
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Pirate.. Ok, now i'm officially lost.. I See the snap creator scheme there from when I imported, but I don't see the reset scheme. Also, I tried to create a new data source but failed miserably...
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Ok, i'm stuck.. Please clarify this point, "I hope you have read and covered the prerequisites as mentioned in the doc. " What doc and what pre-req? Also, my datasource add looks very different. We are running WFA 2.1
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Ok, my disclaimer, i'm very green with WFA, i'm much more familiar with PS toolkit ... So, i'm playing with Snapcreator and WFA as we have a specific need for a snapshot in some scenarios, but i'm struggling with getting it setup. I imported the dar file https://communities.netapp.com/docs/DOC-27317 I installed ps toolkit for snapcreator without issue on the wfa server. (checked module) Whenever i launch the workflow, i'm prompted with the below errror (Attached) Any insight into what i'm doing wrong would be great. Thanks
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Is that a valid alarm? Are you using that alarm? If not, I would say delete it. if so, delete it and recreate it. I'm not sure why you are seeing test alarm. Unless you are actively getting volume fulls
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A while ago i had a similiar issue with a "ghost" alarm that wasn't appearing in the console Do dfm alarm list from the cli and see what alarm 4 is If it's not valid, delete it
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Since OCR is sunsetting and there is no clear direction from netapp on this, i've decided to help you out in powershell This can be easily done in powershell if you are familiar with powershell get-navol | % { $volume = $_.name write-host "volume Name:" $_.name "Volume Language: " (get-navollanguage $volume).languagecode } We can pretty this up and feed all your controllers in to a script, but this should get you started
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You need to redirect your messages to message file only. Take a look at syslog.conf.sample. Basically, if you don't wany any console messages use this # Log messages of priority info or higher to /etc/messages and not to the console. #*.info /dev/console *.info /etc/messages
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