I'm in the same boat.. not too many FTE's and hundreds of filers. I stil will not do that. The only thing i would do is pre-load the install files in /software dir and call it a day. IMHO, you're playing with fire
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Kevin, Yup, in the same boat.. The one thing of note that is a little misleading is in windows 2003 it's caleld MSCS, but in windows 2008 it's called failover clustering. The doc says that in windows 2008 MSCS isn't support.. Just threw me for a few minutes.. As there isn't much documentation on this, im wondering how widely used this is... As for SAN disks, ditto, i think we can use any vendors
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I'm all for writing scripts, but this is something Oncommand should be doing. Remember, you are never going to compete with developers especially with a program like oncommand.. But, if you insist, I will get you started Put all the filers in a txt filer $filers = gc c:\filers.txt $filers | % { $filer = $_ # Assuming you have RPC access to filer, if not you need to create credentials cache $c = connect-nacontroller $filer $disks = get-nadisk | ? {$_.status -eq "failed"} # write to file $disks | ? {$_.status -eq "failed"} | ft @{e={$Filer};l="filer";Width =10},@{e={$_.name};L="Disk Name";Width=10},@{E={$_.status};L="Status";Width=10} | out-file c:\filer.log -append } if (gc c:\filer.log -ne $Null) { Send-MailMessage -To $recipients -From $sendMailAs -Subject $subjectLine -Body "Failed Disks attached" -Priority $priority -SmtpServer $smtpServer } # Please note, I wrote this really quick and dirty and I didn't even test it out.. I didn't have a failed disk to check to see if the status was failed or broken But it gives you different options on how to do things
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We are looking into building a HA OCUM environment to house protection manager. Is this still the latest TR (http://www.netapp.com/us/media/tr-3767.pdf) regarding HA configuration? Also, Can this be done with Non-netapp attached SAN disk?
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I'm curious if there is a quick way to determine how long the disks have actually been spinning.. I was kind of looking to see how long they've been spinning vs expected life of them Thanks
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This could be done, but why would you want to roll it out to 100+ filers.. The risk profile of doing something like this in my opinion is too high. It's not like you are rolling out a windows patch to a client desktop. That's just my $.02c
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Clinton, here is the whole piece.. Short and simple... Obviously, I left out $cred piece.. But if you are using straight RPC you should have no issue and can drop -cred if you have access already And dfmimport is just a dump from dfm that we do in powershell #Import filers $dfmimport = import-csv c:\powershell\dfmcontrollers.csv | Select controller $dfmimport | % { $filer = $_.controller Write-host "`n`tConnectiong to controller " $filer $c = connect-nacontroller $filer -cred $cred Write-host "Oplock Stats for controller:" $_.controller -fore Red -back Black Ac -path c:\temp\opstats.log -value "`nController: $($filer)" (Invoke-NaSsh cifs stat).Split("`n").Trim() | % {if ($_.StartsWith("OpLkBkNoBreakAck")) { ac -path c:\temp\opstats.log -value $_ }} Ac -path c:\temp\opstats.log -value "----------------------" Disclaimer - This is all with the through process that cifs is running.. I didn't build in logic otherwise..
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Clinton... Ok, thanks fo rthe kick start I had $var = invoke-nassh -command cifs stat $var | % { $newline = $var.split("`r").trim() $newline |% { if ($_ -like "*OpLkBkNoBreakAck*") { write-host $_ } } } If I change the `r to `n, I get the correct output... Hmm.. I was on the right path, I figured `r (return) would do the trick, not new line... But your's looks cleaner... Thanks as usual..
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Ok, I know from Clinton and beam there is no API for CIFS stat. I know we can do invoke-nassh and run cifs stat. Ok, I know it's really cold here in the northeast, so my brain is potentially frozen or i'm overlooking something.. I'm trying to pull OpLkBkNoBreakAck from cifs stat or any one of the counters.. The issue i'm having is if I do $stat = invoke-nassh -command "cifs stat" It reads it as one $stat.count = 1 So, when I try to throow it through a loop it thinks it's all one string so I can manipulate the text. Any help in pushing me out of the mud would be great. Thanks
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I'm just curious if anyone is doing what i'm investigating. We have a filer level VSM that gets managed currently at the filer level. We would like to introduce SV with Protection Manager to handle the backup part to our nearstore device. I'm reviewing TR-3487 and section 6.2, combining vsm and sv is slightly confusing. I assume we will use the backup policy in PM and just tweak it to our needs, but i'm curious if we already have snapshots from VSM getting replicated to the seconadary, and we want to snapvault off that secondaryd, do we need to take more SV Snapshots on the secondary (which becomes primary SV) ? Any assistance would be greatly appreciated it Thanks
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^^ Confused.. Do you know what -whatif does? The command doesn't execute if you specify -whatif The command should work fine with - Remove-NaVol -Confirm:$False
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We just noticed an issue with dfm graph cli command in oc 5.2 We use dfm graph cli heavily with powershell wrapped with it to get some metric numbers and noticed that in 5.2 this command returns no data dfm graph -F csv cpu-1m filername I've confirmed that this works 100% fine in our 5.1 environment. Can someone confirm if they are seeing the issue on their end as well or maybe it's just our environment Thanks
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mark - Just some things i noticed. Please take this as constructive critisicm. In powershell, we shouldn't use > $Null. The proper way to do this is | Out-null Also, you can do this $connection = connect-nacntroller $c Also, i see you are connecting RPC. You are better to connect via https or run invoke-nassh natively.
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Well, i'm only familiar with our deployment and we are on exch 2007. So, no DAG, But, you set your mirrors up and let SME replicate the mirrors, now if you chose archive backup, it will grab the dataset in protection manager and do a snapvault. Obviously you will have to import your relationships into the proper datasets
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Adai - You commented on that this talks gets generated via TRAPS. Do you have the OID for this? I'm running 5.2 7-mode and the alerting for autogrown volume didn't work
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This is cool.. I'm a netapp ps junkie and I never played with this cmdlet... But, what I do is, I wrap the dfm data with powershell and i'm able to predict storage growth based on dfm numbers.. Also, I put latency numbers as well and put it in excel.. But i'm interested in the above answer for you as well
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