Always reserve the recommended resources for OCUM and OCHP servers to prevent resource issues. That hotfix should be applicable for any Win2k8 server, so perhaps you already had it installed? C:\>systeminfo |findstr 2577795
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Jeremy, your problem description reads like a server resource problem. You stated that OCHP is installed on the WIn2k8 vCenter server. 1) Do you have MS hotfix 2577795 installed on that server? 2) Are the resources reserved for the vCetner/OCHP VM (assuming it is one)? 3) What CPU/RAM resources does the server have reserved?
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Which version of UM are you using? In any version prior to 5.1, Dynamic Secondary Sizing was not enabled for VSM destinations so those volumes would be provisioned to the size of the containing aggregate.
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Greetings, Sounds like you might need to enable the licensed_feature.multistore.enable option on the controllers. Kevin
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Hi Reid, moving perf data between DFM servers is only possible if the accompanying database is brought along with them, or as you stated a backup/restore to the new server. Kevin
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As can be seen from the download page, 5.0.2 is currently a GA release while 5.1 is FCS. As with any newer release, 5.1 has additional features that will not exist in the 5.0.x code line. If a customer has no preference or particular requirements then they should start with the NGS recommended release. That guidance is provided for those who might need it and is not intended to be used as a mandate. The correct choice is to always to use whichever version supports the customer environment/needs the best.
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I misunderstood the use case - I thought you were attempting to protect the volume containing a qtree, where what you observed would be expected. Instead it seems you are only adding a single qtree to a dataset for protection but ending up with both a qtree relationship in addition to the "volume/-" relationship.
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Jureg, OnCommand UM Core (DFM) does not support SnapVault (or QSM in this case) of volumes without adding the "/-". For example, it is not possible to import a volume SnapVault relationship into a dataset if it was created as "node1:/vol/HR_Data" as it is not recognized as a valid relationship although it is certainly possible to create within ONTAP. The reason for this behavior is that any restores of a qtree protected under such a relationship is not a qtree upon restore, but merely a folder. Therefore DFM will not create this style of relationship as it would not be possible to restore a qtree as a qtree. Instead, when protecting a volume using a "Backup" style protection policy, it will create a relationship for each qtree within the volume in addition to the "/-" volume qtree style relationship. Thanks, Kevin
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Ensure you have a DFM Db backup before upgrading then you can proceed directly either to 5.0.2 or 5.1 from 4.x. If you were hitting bug 439756, the background post-upgrade processing could take some time to complete as the 5.X code will automatically run the workaround after a successful upgrade as well as on a regular basis afterwards. OC UM Core 5.1 will split your DFM server into either 7mode or clustered mode, so if you have a mixed environment be aware that you will have to make that decision during the upgrade.
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I recommend that you use OCHP 1.2 as it can be installed without needing to remove VSC. However, using OCHP 1.2 entails using OnCommand Unified Manager Core 5.1.
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Please open a support case and request it be attached to bug #580933. OnCommand Unified Manager (Host/Core) is unable to successfully restore a virtual server backup when the OnCommand UM Core server cannot reach the NFS export where the datastore resides.
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From the OnCommand Unified Manager Core Package 5.1 "Installation and Setup Guide" p122: Configuration limitations for the OnCommand Core Package in VCS You must be aware of the configuration limitations before you install the OnCommand Core Package in a VCS environment. The following are configuration limitations in VCS: • Only two-node clusters are supported. • The OnCommand Core Package in VCS is not supported on VMware. • For shared disks, the storage back-end must be an FC-based storage only. • iSCSI storage is not supported for the OnCommand Core Package in VCS.
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Unless this has changed in recent documentation, iSCSI is not supported for the OnCommand Unified Manager (DFM) Linux VCS clusters. Regarding the LUN type: For any Windows configuration (stand alone or cluster), either iSCSI or FC LUNs are acceptable. For Linux stand-alone servers, either iSCSI or FC LUNs are acceptable. For Linux VCS clusters, FC is the only choice (currently).
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This screenshot appears to have been taken from the NMC, however virtual datasets are managed in the WebUI. Was this virtual dataset created in that UI? In addition, the protection policy is assigned via a storage service. Here is an example: 1. If there is a need to protect the dataset with more than a local VM style policy: - Using the NMC, create a storage storage service that has the appropriate Protection Policy attached. The transfer schedule and retention settings are attached to the policy. - NMC->Policies->Storage Services. Click on Add. Select the appropriate options, resource pools, provisioning policies, etc. *** Use the OnCommand Console UI for the remaining steps *** 2. Create a dataset (Datasets -> Create -> pick the dataset type) and attach the storage service created in step #1. Select the Local Policy as appropriate. This dataset will now be visible in the OnCommand Console. NOTE: It is not possible to add Virtual Servers to the dataset via the NMC. 3. The dataset will show as type undefined. Edit the dataset and select "vmware". 4. Allow conformance to initialize the dataset. 5. Resolve any errors that arise.
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Hello, the retention you are selecting is setting the retention style for the SnapManager backup as it is registered within the DFM/OnCommand database. If you were able to set the retention differently for portions of a single backup, then you could potentially enter into a condition where the SnapManager product integrated with DFM/OC could not perform a restore for the particular backup as portions of it would be missing. I understand that only having the db could still be useful for a disaster recovery procedure where the data was restored manually, however this software is not designed for configuring such data retention.
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Another item to check - is the memory for the VM reserved or allocated? It would be better to have lower amount (4Gb) reserved as opposed to a larger amount set as allocated.
... View more Try the following: dfm prompt> dfm database set dbcachesize="" dfm prompt> dfm service start sql This will set the option back to the default value. I see that you have adjusted it, but not sure which values you have used.
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DFM 4.0.2D12 was posted on 06-JUN-2012. This release is a roll up of all of the fixes in the existing 4.0.2 patches in addition to the new fixes listed below. Anyone running a version of DFM lower than 4.0.2D12 should make plans to create a backup and upgrade to this release. In addition, a long term plan should be developed to move to a 5.x release. Operations Manager, Protection Manager, Provisioning Manager - 4.0.2D12 Date Posted: 06-JUN-2012 Bugs fixed in 4.0.2D12 since 4.0.2D11: 540170 Snapvault transfers using ndmpd.preferred_interface on the primary storage system fail 540602 Protection Manager fails to expire hourly snapshots on the backup node 554938 DataFabric Manager may take more time to update the SnapMirror relationship details and SQL service may cause high CPU utilization. 595257 Data transfer reports stopped updating for relationships originating from Open Systems SnapVault and DFMMonitor logs are spammed with error messages 446899 Snapmirror monitoring very slow due to reading of snapmirror logs 532848 CVE-2011-3192 Apache Range Header DoS in DFM and OnCommand
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To elaborate on Adai's comment, DFM/OnCommand will never automatically delete any backups marked unlimited. The SME created primary node backups should be type unlimited as SME handles the retention of those backups. The backup node backups should have a retention type other than unlimited unless you specifically want them to be available indefinitely. You should configure SME with the retention style of those backups within the scheduled SME backup task as it tells DFM to transfer the primary backups and create the secondary backups. To remove the old backups, delete the snapshots from the filer and DFM will detect they are gone during the next monitoring cycle. Or if they are already deleted from the filer but still present in DFM, use the API or CLI (5.x and higher) to remove the backups from DFM.
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Is OnCommand performance slow only via the NMC or via the web UI and command line as well? If all are slow, reduce your vCPU count to one or two. If only the NMC, ensure that you have a good network connection between the NMC system and the OnCommand server (latency, ttl, etc) - I am assuming you are running the NMC remotely since the recommendation from the installation guide. Regarding the vCPU recommendation, I will quote a previous post from another thread: Adaikkappan Arumugam Apr 14, 2012 7:46 AM (in response to stjerna) Since you said you have 6CPU, can you check if you are hitting the vmware problem ? Determining if multiple virtual CPUs are causing performance issues
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In addition to the API, OnCommand 5.x includes the new "dfpm backup delete" CLI. # dfpm backup delete help NAME delete -- Delete a backup version. SYNOPSIS dfpm backup delete [ -p ] <backup-id> DESCRIPTION Delete a backup version given its id. Use the -p option to set the allow-deferred-delete flag to true.
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