Hi: I have two volume snapmirror relationships in two different datasets. The protection policies and resources pools are the same for both datasets, so I would like to consolidate from 2 datasets to 1. How can I do this without rebaselining the VSM relationship in the dataset I'll be destroying? Thanks, Chris
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I have a system monitored with protection manager generating this message: "truanap0006.amcs.abnamro-net.com:Host truanap0006 has IP address ( which is different from the primaryHostAddress ( stored in the database. Change the IP address in the database using hostPrimaryAddress option or use global option processHostPrimaryAddress to disable this message or to select a different behavior." I cannot find any reference to the "processHostPrimaryAddress" option except for the release notes. I believe it needs to be added to the Protection & Provisioning Manager Admin Guide. What are the different values for the global "processHostPrimaryAddress" option and what does it do? Can it be added to the Prov/Prot Mgr guide?
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Hi: We are using Ops Mgr 3.8.1. I see thresholds are enabled for a group of systems. Within that groups some of the systems have checkmarks on the storage system in the PA dashboard and some do not. The ones that do are running 7.3.2, and the ones that do not are running 7.2.4. Is there any significance to the difference in ONTAP versions and how PA reports thresholds in the dashboard?
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All of our hosts appear to have been set up correctly with data collections enabled, however a few of them have checkmarks on the storage system in the PA dashboard. What is the significance of the checkmark and how do I enable it for all hosts?
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With ONTAP 7.3 if you change the 'snapvault snap sched' retention for a snapvault relationship, ONTAP will automatically delete any snapshots beyond the new retention. If I reduce the retention policy for a SnapVault relationship in Protection Manager, do the old snapshot get automatically deleted, or do I need to manually delete them via CLI?
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Hi: Are there any gotchas with using autosize on a snapmirror destination? I understand that the destination is not aware if the source has been autosized, but would a destination vol autosize itself even while it is restricted during a transfer? Would it be better to just grow the destination to a value close to the size of the aggregate? Thanks, Chris
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Thanks for the quick reply. Just so I'm clear - with PM pre-4.0 if we migrate a SV destination volume with VSM, it cannot be imported to PM. So the only option is to have PM create a new snapvault destination, have PM preserve the old volume, and then rebaseline the SV relationship from the primary volume.
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Adai/Pete: Thanks for the heads up on the secondary space management feature in 4.0. I was not aware of that and it is reason enough for us to push toward 4.0. We'll get to 3.8.1 next week and plan to move to 4.0 in the coming months. Since PM create a new baseline copy when a new secondary volume is created, I think we have some cleanup to do to determine if we want to keep both volumes for those that have been migrated. I think we have cases where 3-4 secondary volumes may exist for a single primary, so I will take a look. A somewhat related question - how would I go about migrating a snapvault secondary volume with volume snapmirror if the snapvault relationship is managed by protection manager? Would I use the CLI to do the migration and somehow import the new SV relationship into PM? Would it be a combination of PM and CLI somehow? Or is it even an option with pre-4.0 versions of PM? The process I was planning on using to VSM migration the SV destination volume is located here: http://now.netapp.com/NOW/knowledge/docs/ossv/rel25/html/software/install/manage9.htm Thanks! Chris
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When a snapvault destination aggregate fills up and it is part of a resource pool managing by Protection Manager 3.7, does PM automatically migrate volumes to another aggregate and preserve the relationships?
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My customer attempted to run snapmirror compression between 7.3.2 systems and after some digging we discovered the compressions didn't work due to the lack of mulitple connections as outlined in this KB: https://now.netapp.com/Knowledgebase/solutionarea.asp?id=kb56448 Customer is asking why compression needs two connections and I could not find a clear answer. What parts of the compression process require two connections, and how is it possible to still have a functioning snapmirror relationship (without compression) with only one connection?
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Hi: I created a policy in Protection Manager to kick off a snapvault backup. We have our e0M interfaces restricted for management only, and all snapvault traffic is directed toward the VIF interface. We do this with the "snapvault.access host=all AND if=vif1". However, my snapvault job failed because Protection Manager kicked off the relationship with the IP of the system that it discovered - which happens to be e0M. Here's an example - notice how the source qtree is using the IP of the system, instead of the hostname: tgt Thu Nov 19 10:08:00 EST ChrisPoz_backup create: Target_start dst Thu Nov 19 10:08:00 EST emlana16:/vol/ChrisPoz_backup/NAS_IN Request (Retry) dst Thu Nov 19 10:08:00 EST emlana16:/vol/ChrisPoz_backup/ChrisPoz_emlana14_test1 Request (Retry) dst Thu Nov 19 10:08:01 EST emlana16:/vol/ChrisPoz_backup/qtree_OLD_IN Abort (could not read from socket) dst Thu Nov 19 10:08:01 EST emlana16:/vol/ChrisPoz_backup/ChrisPoz_emlana14_test1 Abort (could not read from socket) dst Thu Nov 19 10:08:02 EST emlana16:/vol/ChrisPoz_backup/NAS_IN Abort (could not read from socket) tgt Thu Nov 19 10:08:03 EST ChrisPoz_backup create: Target_end How do I specify that Protection Manager use the hostname of a system - or point it to the VIF interface. I do NOT want to rediscover this system through Operations Manager! Thanks, Chris
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Is it possible to export alarms, users, and custom reports via CLI from an existing Operations Manager instance to a new one? I'd like to be able to create a batch file to pull this information from an existing instance of OM, and just run it against a new instance. We are splitting out our architecture into multiple instances and I'm trying to figure out a way to move these 'custom' objects from one instance to another. Thanks, Chris
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Hi: I could still use some help with this. I'd like to be able to query against a specific dfm group, or create my own database views that will allow me to do so. Is this possible? Thanks, Chris
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Can someone help me understand the meaning of this error message from the watchdog log? Oct 15 14:13:45 [dfmwatchdog:ERROR]: socket() failed, error = 10055 Oct 15 14:14:08 [dfmwatchdog:ERROR]: dfmserver (pid 5320) died (15 Oct 14:14) Is this the cause of the dfmserver process failure, or should I look elsewhere for a cause?
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Hi: We are attempting to create some reports by running direct queries against the DFM database. We would like to query against a specific group defined in Operations Manager. Reading through the database schema, it looks like the following fields may help: View name: resGroupMembersView resGroupId unsigned int 4 ID of the resource group resGroupMemberObjId unsigned int 4 ID of the member object But we cannot figure out how to run a query pulling objects (such as aggregates and volumes) and limit the output to a specific group. Here's an example of a query we built that is running against every aggregate and volume on the system: dfm database query run -F csv "select objName AS 'Aggregate', str(aggrTotalSpaceKB/1024/1024/1024,5,2) AS 'Total', str(aggrTotalCommittedSpaceKB/1024/1024/1024,5,2) AS 'Committed', str((((aggrTotalCommittedSpaceKB/1024/1024/1024) / (aggrTotalSpaceKB/1024/1024/1024))*100),5,2) AS 'Committed %', str(aggrUsedCapacityKB/1024/1024/1024,5,2) AS 'Used', str((((aggrUsedCapacityKB/1024/1024/1024) / (aggrTotalSpaceKB/1024/1024/1024))*100),5,2) AS 'Used %', str(aggrAvailableSpaceKB /1024/1024/1024,5,2) AS 'Available', count(volId) AS 'FlexVols' from objectView, aggregateView, volumeView where objectView.objId = aggregateView.aggrId and volumeView.volAggrId = aggregateView.aggrId and objName <> 'aggr0' and objName <> 'vol0' and objName <> 'aggr1' group by objName, aggrTotalSpaceKB, aggrTotalCommittedSpaceKB, aggrUsedCapacityKB, aggrAvailableSpaceKB order by objName" Is there a way we can limit this to query against a specific group of systems? It doesn't look like the relationships between views allow us to do this. Also, is there a way to build our own database views? Thanks, Chris
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Hi Raja: First of all - the ability to query the dfm database directly is EXTREMELY useful!! I knew it was there, just haven't taken the time to play with it. I am playing around with the report output formats. I'm trying to clean up the output a little bit so I can just have some basic html tables with the data. I see the available report formats are paragraph, perl, and csv. I'm trying to think of a way I can have a simple framework available to generate an html page whenever I run a SQL query against the database. The text output works - but I just want to clean it up into a table. Do you have any ideas on how I could approach this and what query output format might work? Thanks again! Chris
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I would like to create a custom script that modifies a DFM report. The output of the script is going to generate an HTML page. I would like the user to be able to call up the HTML page from the server as http://dfmserver:8080/new_page.html What directory do I need to put this page in so it can be accessed by a web user? I would also like to know if there is a way to sort multiple columns from the "dfm report view -s " CLI. I can sort by one column, but I could not figure out how to sort by multiple columns. Thanks, Chris
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Thanks. But I was also wondering if there is a way to see how much storage is committed to an aggregate in the Data ONTAP CLI, not through Operations Manager.
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I know we have the "Aggregate Space Summary" report in OM that shows the committed storage in an aggregate. Is there a way to display committed storage in an aggregate via CLI? "Aggr show_space" does not show the sum of volumes committed when you have volume guarantees set to none. I would like to know if there is any way from the ONTAP CLI to show a summary of how much storage is committed to an aggregate. Thanks, Chris
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Hi: What is the max flexvol size for deduplication for a GF960 system? I do not see any guidelines published for this platform. Thanks, Chris
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Hi: My customer is trying to make sure his multipath.conf file for a RHEL 5 U3 standalone host is setup correctly. Does anyone have a sample multipath.conf for a host connected to an SSI cluster with FCP luns? Please reply to this thread or send directly to me at christop@netapp.com. Thanks! Chris
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Thank you for the quick response. I appreciate it! Can you point me to an EOA announcement that I can use to share with the customer and push them to Protection Manager?
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My customer is asking if they can utilize the Ops Mgr Backup Manager feature to report existing SnapVault relationships. The current setup utilizes the "snapvault snap sched" option to kick off daily snapshots. If we discover these relatinoships into the Backup Manager product, from what I have read, i think we will need to disable the 'snapvault snap sched' and let Ops Mgr do the scheduling. Can someone confirm if I have my facts straight? Is it possible to import existing relationships without making any changes to the SnapVault relationships themselves? Also, I was under the impression that Backup Manager and Disaster Recovery tabs would be removed in a future release and replaced by Protection Manager functionality. Can someone confirm if these features are going to stick around? I would like to dissuade the customer from going this route in favor of using Protection Manager since it looks like the majority of our development efforts are focused on it. Thanks for your help.
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