Is the HP (Host Package?) software as a requirement being removed? We currently just use standard NetApp snapshots/snapshots/snapmirror (depending or what we are doing) to protect our VMs. I used SMVI when it was new and wasn't impressed. I am hoping to give it another look. If the host package stuff is nearing its end, I would just as soon skip it and wait. Would it still be required for OSSV? (Sorry this is ranging afield)
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My understanding is the VMware functionality requires the Host Package. We also have a handful of physical systems we are testing with OSSV. We own licenses for the VMware pieces for all of our controllers.
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Also...thanks for pointing out that I only need it for the Host packages. I hadn't realized that, but I do need the host question stands.
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I am using OnCommand® Unified Manager Core Package 5.2 RC1. The documentation for "OnCommand® Unified Manager Installation and Setup Guide For Use with Core Package 5.2 and Host Package 1.3" page 32 says I need .Net 3.5SP1 for the Host Package which I need. On Windows 2008 R2, to install .Net 3.5 you go into the Features part of the Server Manager. When you are installing 3.5.1 there are two subcomponents (see the picture in my original post). Do I need both subcomponents? If I add the WCF Activation piece of .Net 3.5.1 I will end up with IIS installed as it is required for WCF Activation. So I really don't want to install that piece--but I also don't want to end up with a broken install months later because some required piece was missing and I never used that functionality initially. Thanks for any help.
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I am using OnCommand® Unified Manager Core Package 5.2 RC1. The documentation for "OnCommand® Unified Manager Installation and Setup Guide For Use with Core Package 5.2 and Host Package 1.3" page 32 says I need .Net 3.5SP1 for the Host Package which I need. On Windows 2008 R2, to install .Net 3.5 you go into the Features part of the Server Manager. When you are installing 3.5.1 there are two subcomponents (see the picture in my original post). Do I need both subcomponents? If I add the WCF Activation piece of .Net 3.5.1 I will end up with IIS installed as it is required for WCF Activation. So I really don't want to install that piece--but I also don't want to end up with a broken install months later because some required piece was missing and I never used that functionality initially. Thanks for any help.
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On Windows 2008 R2 when installing OnCommand Core 5.0 the setup information states it requires .Net 3.51. When selecting the feature, which of the subcomponents do I need specifically? If I choose the WCF Activation the IIS role is added a required component. I would rather not install IIS if it is not necessary. I know I do need the Net.TCP port sharing service in the documentation.
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It works fine in a VM. I've never had an issue with vMotion or svMotion. I'm running 3.8 now and was running 3.7 before. 64-bit Windows now on vSphere 4.1. 32-bit Windows on VMware 3.5 previously.
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I'm curious about the answer too. Thanks for raising the subject. My Ops Mgr 4.0 server has 4 GB of RAM with more than 2 GB free. The dbsrv10.exe & dfmserver.exe processes together use about 250MB of RAM. If the GUI would be more responsive with a larger database memory size--I would certainly appreciate it. I tried the dfm database get dbCacheSize command and it returns no value for the option which I would guess is what you are seeing also.
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One of the NetApp gurus told me that some processes are not as well threaded as others which causes the asymmetric CPU utilization. I believe it is possible to really see what is going on by doing a "priv set advanced" and then using the ps command but I haven't really tested that. I've also anecdotally been told that multi-threading is better on 7.3.2 and later.
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I'll throw out something that seems ridiculously difficult given mulltiple protocols, many to many relationships, multiple vendors... Vmware to NetApp volume translation. $ds=Get-datastore "prodvms" $nv=convert-datastoretonavol $ds Or how about: get-datastore "prodvms" | convert-datastoretonavol | enable-nasis
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get-sysstat I know it doesn't really follow the powershell model, but I would love to see a command that replicated the current method of quickly viewing performance activity in a very translatable fashion.
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I asked a group of technical NetApp folks this same question and they assured me that both the PAM cards and the internal cache are de-dupe aware on recent OnTap versions. This is apparently a big advantage on VDI stores.
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Also, They have a cmdlet "get-nahelp" which will list all the NetApp cmdlets and the related API calls. Nice touch on the programmers part.
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Go to this page when logged in: It will be on the upper left side as "Data ONTAP PowerShell Toolkit Downloads" When you click thru you will find it as (the rest are unneeded). Just expand to your powershell modules directory and do and import-module DataOnTap.
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First...great initial release of a powershell interface. I have been pestering my NetApp team for one for the last year. As I have started playing with it, I have noticed some things that are difficult to use. As an example, the get-nasnapshot command's accesstime property has a type of System.Int64. A date time value would have been much easier to work with. I end up using code that looks ike this: Get-NaVol myvolume | Get-NaSnapshot | select Name, @{Name="AccessTime"; Expression = {([datetime]"1/1/1970").AddSeconds($_.AccessTime).ToLocalTime()}} Additionally, the NetApp.Ontapi.Filer.Snapshot.SnapshotInfo object doesn't relate back to a volume. I would love to use a simple expression to find all snapshots older than 7 days on a filer (something that wsa easily doable using the CodePlex PoshOnTap project): get-navol | get-nasnapshot | where-object {$_.AccessTime -lt (Get-Date).AddDays(-7)}) | sort AccessTime Are there plans to release a v2 with more nice-to-haves? Am I misunderstanding the best way to accomplish some of these tasks?
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I have seen similar lag shortly after a number of large snapshots delete simultaneously. This behavior appears to affect more than just the aggregate containing the volumes. I believe the behavior appeared after the move to 7.3.2 (no patch). Support has opined that a move to a later patch set such as 7.3.2P7 will probably resolve the issue as there are many similar issues listed as bugs (see the list at: We are going to live with the problem until we move to 7.3.3P1.
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Those timelines are identical. This is not a one time discrepancy--I see it always on multiple clusters. We used network port statistics as a tie breaker and decided that Operations Manager is incorrect. The sysstat and network port statistics lined up nicely. I was hoping someone else would chime in on their experience, but perhaps I will have to open a case with NetApp to get to the bottom of it.
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We have used vfiler migrate which is the technology this is built upon to manually move NFS workloads transparently. As long as the applications can live through the cutover (usually 30-ish seconds) it is fine--we have had good success with VMware and Oracle though some challenges with Oracle in a data guard configuration. There is a good TR-3814 that goes over the use cases and compatibility. There are a few errors about supported models, but an email to our local rep got an immediate response back that our models (3140's) were covered and that the documentation was incorrect and will be changed. The biggest issue is the lack of support for migration of vfilers with de-duplicated volumes. I was told that the developers were very aware that was a desired feature. You can use vfiler migrate with de-duplicated volumes, but the TR authors said that there is a slight difference in that the new technology uses a semi-synchronous method for transferring the data which is why they recommend against it. There are limits to the number of volumes that can be attached to a vfiler--my experience with vfiler migrate is that the more volumes the longer the cutover. All that said--this technology is wonderful for transparent data migration.
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When I look at DFM 3.8 (in areas like Storage System -- Network Throughput) where the counter is listed as mb_per_sec or kb_per_sec, is that measurement megabytes/kilobytes or megabits/kilobits per second? Also when I compare throughput between DFM and sysstat the numbers seem quite different--what am I missing? Here I have about 70kB/s in sysstat and 150 mb_per_sec (load_total_mbps) or 150,000 (nas_throughput) kb_per_sec in DFM (NAS is the only thing on the filer so they are roughly the same once scaled).
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Absolutely. Robocopy is a good tool for this task. Since the second (or third, fourth or fifth) pass will be iterative, there will be little data actually moved. Do a couple trial runs and check how long the incremental runs take. I have used robocopy for exactly the tasks you are contemplating on much larger volumes of data. The only issue is when there are many millions of tiny files (less than 4k). Then a raw copy tool (ghost/netbackup image) is a better solution though not useful in this case. Multithreading can speed it up a lot. Run the robocopy directly from the file server and give it at least twice as many threads as cores. Usually, you can get the switch over to be less than an hour including renaming the new server. It is possible to be even quicker--but then things start getting complicated. It is possible to programmatically recreate share permissions using command line tools if you have more than you can do manually. Finally, I've never played with the Microsoft File Services Migration Tool, but I am aware of its existence: NetApp emulates a Microsoft CIFS server very closely (much, much better than Samba for instance). It might be possible to use the file service migration tool to help with the migration. If you try it, post the results! Good luck!
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I too will suggest robocopy. The newest version from Microsoft (included with Windows 7) is multithreaded which is great for massive amounts of data. I would suggest a process something like this: Environment: NetApp called toaster with multiple shares. Server called microwave. Document share permissions on toaster by looking at them in Windows Explorer Build a baseline Create multiple shares on microwave with the same names as the ones on toaster Run robocopy \\toaster\share1 \\microwave\share1 /copyall /mir /r:0 /w:0 /log:robolog.txt in a command prompt Repeat for each additional share. Review robolog.txt to see how many files were missed (especially the very bottom) and troubleshoot Get an outage window Run robocopy \\toaster\share1 \\microwave\share1 /copyall /mir /r:0 /w:0 /log:robolog.txt in a command prompt Repeat for each additional share. This will only copy the changed data which will reduce the outage duration. Repeat for each additional share Review robolog.txt to see how many files were missed (especially the very bottom) and troubleshoot Shutdown toaster Rename microwave to toaster There are a lot of different tweaks depending on your tolerance for downtime, need for speed and number of shares, but this should get the data off the NetApp. Play with robocopy a bit to get the hang of it. Final step: Keep toaster in the lab and find out why people adore them.
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I don't have experience with SMVI 2.0 yet (soon), but on SMVI 1.0 we have 15 (very large 24CPU, 256GB RAM) hosts with 7 NFS datastore and about 425 VMs. I did notice that if I create a single schedule to perform the snapshots, I would get timeouts on disk on VMs and a lot of alerts about high latency. I created separate schedules for each datastore and staggered them by 10 minutes--all the latency issues and timeouts disappeared. This surprised me since I have filer based daily snapshots which all occur at midnight as a backup (in case SMVI is not functioning I still want snapshots). Those never caused timeouts, but I suspect there must be logic to handle that workload serially.
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