Can you give us specs on your NetApp? Model ONTAP Version The DS42xx and DS14MK2 aren't supported with everything. Did you get confirmation that you are running a compatible configuraiton? WHen you add just one link from the NetApp to these shelves your NetApp should see the disks (disk show -n) <-- Non owned disks. If you aren't seeing disks that means something is not either cabled right, or it isn't a supported config. Run Config Advisor to check your cabling.
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Go ape crazy. I rename volumes all of the time. Clients like to name volumes with crazy upper and lower case letters which drives me crazy because I live in CLI. igroups are mainly for human reference. The LUN mappings are by iqn or WWPN, igroups are just a way for us to logically combine things. Rename igroups whenever you want. LUN renames will be automatically detected by SnapDrive. You can even create a qtree, and move a LUN into or out of a qtree while online. SnapDrive is good at handling these path changes. Like Scott mentioned, just make sure if it is an NFS export that it is exported after the rename.
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That is a simple question, and at the same time a loaded question. First off, call NetApp support if you are not comfortable doing this. They'll walk you through it. My post is assuming you are running Multi-path HA. If this is an HA pair I'd run the following options command on both NetApp controllers... options disk.auto_assign off Do not cable the shelf up yet. If the shelf has the same ID as another already running it could cause some issues. NetApp does a good job at keeping same shelf ID's separate, but... Power on the SAS shelf, set the ID that you want the shelf to be. Usually odds are on controller A and evens on controller B (i.e. fas01-a 10-19, 30-30, etc, while fas01-b 20-29, 40-49, etc.) After setting the ID on the shelf power the shelf off for 30 seconds. Wait 60 if you want to be sure... It takes some time for the ID to "burn in" and actually set itself. Power the shelf back on, and add the shelf into the loop. I've stuck to the old school way of A --> D, C --> B. But if you don't know how to install a shelf I've probably lost you already. Think of the square port as the "Stop" sign. That is where the loop "ends". So from fas01-a port A --> shelf1 Module A square. If you added a second shelf, Module A circle should go to shelf2 Module A square, this then goes to fas01-b port D. I highly recommend calling NetApp support (you've paid for it might as well use it). Also I recommend reading the setup guide for your particular NetApp controller. It should show you exactly how to configure a single or dual controller configuration (way better than I can describe in words). Log onto the NOW site ( and click on "Documentaiton -> Product Documentation -> Choose your FAS series -> Installation and Setup Instructions. This document will show you how the cabling should look like. Once you get the shelf added, you are going to need to assign the disks to the controller. If you want all disks assigned to one controller (which is recommended) run the "disk assign all" command on that controller. You'll then need to add the disks to the aggregate or create a new aggregate if the disk sizes/speed are different or you've reached your aggregate size limit, but you'll need to calculate the optimal raid group size as well. You don't want a small raid group or you'll run into performance issues. This does not account for EVERYTHING and all scenarios, which is why it is a simple question but a loaded one.
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I am assuming the only data that is held within the Vserver root volume is the configuration data for that particular Vserver functionality, which is why it can be so small. My questions to the community are the following... 1. Is there a document that describes what exactly is stored in the Vserver root volume? 2. Is there a Storage FAQ document on how large the Vserver root volume is recommended to be? Thanks, Ryan
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It is supported and available in 8.1.1, but not supported on the root aggregate at this time. 8.1.2 should allow you to enable Flash Pools on the root aggregate.
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IOPS are only a small portion of what you want to look at. The same benchmark software can show little IOPS or an unreasonably high IOPS count with the right tweaking. Your main concern should be latency. I'd rather have extremely low IOPS and extremely low ms response time, than super high IOPS and just mediocre ms response time.
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The only reason why you would need to delete the snapshots is to remove them from the "snapmirrorr status" list. Until you delete those old relationship snapshots they will always show up when you run snap mirror status. This is more of a cleanup phase after you are done.
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This is how I normally do it. Like wrote, ideally you can use vol move. Example Environment Equipment Netapp01 (original / production source) Netapp02 (original SnapMirror destination) Netapp03 (new SnapMirror destination) Volume named exchange Configure SnapMirror Relationship between NetApp02 and Netapp03 Log into netapp03 Create a volume named "sm_exchange" Restrict the volume "sm_exchange" Edit the snapmirror.conf file Netapp02:sm_exchange netapp03:sm_exchange - * * * * Snapmirror initialize the "netapp03:sm_exchange" volume Break the SnapMirror Relationship between netapp01 and netapp02 Log into netapp02 Quiesce the snapmirror "netapp02:sm_exchange" Break the snapmirror "netapp02:sm_exchange" Edit the snapmirror.conf file to remove the relationship "netapp01:exchange netapp02:sm_exchange" Break the SnapMirror Relationship between netapp02 and netapp03 Log into netapp03 Quiesce the snapmirror "netapp02:sm_exchange" Break the snapmirror "netapp02:sm_exchange" Edit the snapmirror.conf file to change the relationship from "netapp02:sm_exchange netapp03:sm_exchange" to "netapp01:exchange netapp03:sm_exchange" Snapmirror resync "netapp03:sm_exchange" Delete SnapShots and Volume on netapp02 Log into netapp02 Snap list the sm_exchange volume Snap delete the sm_exchange (snapmirror) snapshot Offline the "sm_exchange" volume Destroy the "sm_exchange" volume Verify the relationship between "netapp01:exchange netapp02:sm_exchange" is gone Delete SnapShots on netapp01 Log into netapp01 Snap list the exchange volume Snap delete the exchange (netapp02 snapmirror) snapshot Verify the relationship between "netapp01:exchange netapp02:sm_exchange" is gone
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First off I am going to recommend using CLI, or second System Manager 2.0R1 to manage the NetApp, but if you must use FilerView... If you want to "View" the aggr... Click on "Aggregates -> Manage" Click on the aggregate you want to view (i.e. aggr0) The Aggregate Properties window will appear If you want to "Edit" the aggr... Click on "Modify" Choose the aggregate you want to edit from the drop down list Click on "Next" Make the changes you need
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No. Those settings will come over when the NetApp performs a CFO. You will need to make sure to have the ipspaces (for multistore) on both NetApps, and all ifgroups/vlans created on both NetApps. This is where most people fail during the setup and CFO's will result in nothing working. When you are done with your setup, run the HA-Config-Checker.exe program that is available on the NOW site.
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