NTP time out error on NDE process.
How can we restart NDE?
We try to install NetAppHCI 1.8P1 by NDE.
RTFI usb boot and fresh installed.(Compute Node x2 , Storage Node x4)
no use DHCP server.
I set to Static IP address of 1G Management Port.(Compute Node and Storage Node)
I set to Static IP address of 1G Management Port and 10G port(Storage Node(no set 10G of Compute Node))
NDE install start.
But NTP time out error appered.
(NDE default NTP server(us.pool.ntp.com)can not resolve and reach)
So we re setting local AD(DNS/NTP) server(
But we can not restart NDE.
How can we restart NDE process?
I find out this link.
And re-setting NTP server
Our sep support expired.
So we want to ask and get answer by community.
Best Regards,