I know global setting for used% is 80% nearly full and full at 90%. Now I would like to set higher for one test-volume, so here goes (AIQ 9.7P1):
-Test-volume "used%" is currently 96%
-Storage->Volumes, mark my testvolume -> Edit Threshold -> Capacity: Object Level -> mark -> set:
-Nearly full: 90%
-Full: 95%
->Storage Management -> Alert setup -> Add
-Name: "Testing vol-used"
-Resources: <selecting my test volume> move to right column
-Events: Error -> volume space full, volume logical space full, volume space nearly full and volume logical space nearly full
-Actions -> set my email and notification "remind every 15 mins"
After saving, I check that my alarm is "enabled".
I press "Test" and get email saying "test email etc" from AIQ. This is all I ever hear from this alert. My vol is over "error-level" 95% so how come I don't ever get a email about this???
Also I don't get events about this on "Event Management". No individual nor global email.
I should have both, right?