Active IQ Unified Manager Discussions
Active IQ Unified Manager Discussions
Is there an easy way to access the WFA database using MVEL for values not part of a workflow. Essentially I want to be able to run a mysql query as a function.
I'm not aware of any method to achieve this directly using MVEL.
As an alternative it's possible to use the "Invoke-MySqlQuery" function with a custom WFA command. EG:
#'------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #'Create a query to select the least used aggregate in the resource pool. #'------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [String]$query = "SELECT id AS 'aggregate_id', node_id, name AS 'aggregate_name', used_size_mb FROM cm_storage.aggregate WHERE id IN (SELECT aggregate_id FROM cm_storage.resource_pool_member WHERE resource_pool_id = (SELECT id FROM cm_storage.resource_pool WHERE name = '$ResourcePoolName')) ORDER BY used_size_mb ASC LIMIT 1;" #'------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #'Query the least used aggregate in the resource pool. #'------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Try{ [Array]$results = Invoke-MySqlQuery -Query $query -ErrorAction Stop Get-WFALogger -Info -Message "Invoked SQL Query: ""$query""" }Catch{ Get-WFALogger -Error -Message $("Failed invoking SQL query: ""$query"". Error " + $_.Exception.Message) Throw "Failed invoking SQL query ""$query""" } #'------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #'Assign recordset variables. #'------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ForEach($result In $results){ [Int]$aggregateID = $result.aggregate_id [Int]$nodeID = $result.node_id [String]$aggregateName = $result.aggregate_name [Long]$usedSizeMB = $result.used_size_mb }
You can then assign the value from the recordset as a return parameter using the "Add-WfaWorkflowParameter" function
Add-WfaWorkflowParameter -Name "AggregateName" -Value $aggregateName -AddAsReturnParameter $True
The return parameters will be available in other commands in your workflow using the "Get-WfaWorkflowParameter" function. EG
[String]$aggregateName = Get-WfaWorkflowParameter -Name "AggregateName"
Hope that helps
Could you help us know the exact reason for this requirement.
Akash Shukla
MVEL function gives big advatage over getting DB data during command execution. With MVEL fuction I can the DB data during planning/Previw time. The Poweshell function can only get the DB data during execution, so I can't get to see which row will get selected due to SQL query execution during preview.
This is a BIG advangate of MVEL fuction.
Do you really need a function? Whatever a MVEL function to query the WFA DB can get you, you can get it from a User-Input of type Query. Anything and everything.
Some WFA designer skills maybe needed to solve specfic cases, but it can all be done.
Here attaching a sample workflow. You would need WFA4.0 for importing it.
My extremely simple use case is to compare the "comment" provided with a WFA scheme name selected. If they both are same , my command executes, else its disabled. So I've used the "Advanced" tab in my workflow.
1. When comment and Delta are same.
2. When comment and delta are different