Active IQ Unified Manager Discussions
Active IQ Unified Manager Discussions
Hi all,
is there a way to add a new data source driver type?
I need to connect to postgreSQL databases.
Solved! See The Solution
Extract the file in .dar and then Import it. I think you are trying to Import .zip file itself.
As of 2.1RC1 there is no way to add a new DataSourc driver type. However I think you can create a new Data source type with Method: Script and Script language : Power Shell and acquire a Post GreSQL Database. I've not tried it, but I think it should be possible.
There is a VC datasource which which uses Method Type script, it perhaps can help you in how to do it. Powershell Modules to connect to PostgreSQL are available.
Let me know how it worked for you. If I get a working one myself done, I'll post it here.
warm regards,
Hi Christian,
I was about the offer the same solution as Abhishek. Also found a code snippet to explain how to connect to PostgreSQL:
Hello Chris and Yaron,
I was able to create a new Datasource type which can connect Postgre SQL Database and acquire the Data in WFA successfully.
( Don't bother about the code here, it doesn't work. )
1. For the POC and demo, I'm using a sample database dvdrental which I found here :
2. Unzip it and import the dvdrental.tar
C:\>cd C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.3\bin
C:\>pg_restore -U postgres -d dvdrental C:\temp\dvdrental.tar
3. Install PostGre SQL ODBC Driver. on your WFA server. Download and install the setup_psqlODBC_x64_8.3.4.0.exe.
4. Configure you Postgre SQL server for receiving connection from any outsider host. (By default it only takes requests from localhost) . Modify the pg_hba.conf file in data folder and make the following entries.
host all | postgres | | trust | ||||
host all | postgres | | md5 |
Restart the Postgresql service ( using PGAdmin or CLI or Windows services)
5. On WFA server, Go to "Control Panel" => 'Administrative Tools' and find 'Data sources (ODBC) . Double click to open the ODBC Datasource Administrator.
4. Tab 'User DSN' => Add. Select the PostGreSQL 64-Bit ODBC Drivers.
5. Provide the details and Test. Connection should succeed and then only can it work.
6. Open the WFA server in a browser and Import the attached Data source Type file (.dar ).
7. Go to Designer -> Data source Types - Open PostGRE SQL Database for editing. Modify the script with you Server_ip, your Uid and Pwd at the below line:
$connStr = "Driver={PostgreSQL 64-Bit ODBC Drivers};Server=;Port=5432;Database=dvdrental;Uid=postgres;Pwd=netapp;"
Save it.
If you Postgre SQL server uses SSL etc, Read the following and modify the Driver accordingly :
8. Execution -> Data sources -> Add a new Datasource of PostGRE SQL Database 9.3 (POWER_SHELL) . Fill in the Server etc. ( They are just space-fillers for now, the Acquisition script has everything hard-coded. Its POC after all )
9. Save. Your Datasource acquisition will succeed and you can see a table 'customer' in scheme dvd with first_name, last_name , email column acquired from the Postgre SQL DB.
Now its all yours, Add your filters/finders/commands/workflows as you wish.
Message was edited by: Abhishek Sinha
Message was edited by: Abhishek Sinha Replaced the DataSource type for WFA2.1 RC1.
Great stuff Sinha
Hi Abhishek,
thank for this deteiled guide.
I have on problem:
"Incompatible DAR - no upgrade path were found.
DAR version '', installed version ''
Where can I download
Ahh.. that's my bad Chris. I created this Datasource type on a WFA 2.2 server which is still under development. I've replaced the old Data source file with a new one. Import this and let me know how it worked.
warm regards,
Not working 😞
"Incompatible DAR - no upgrade path was found. DAR version 'null', installed version ''
Extract the file in .dar and then Import it. I think you are trying to Import .zip file itself.
Now it is working.
Great work!