Active IQ Unified Manager Discussions
Active IQ Unified Manager Discussions
I am working on DFM (OnCommand) report via ODBC to show report of snapvault data transfer history which can't be got through.
Firstly a database account is created by,
> dfm database user create -u dbuser -p password
Secondly configure ODBC and connection to Sybase is testing good.
The question one is it doesn't get anything when I query on the view "datatransferHistoryMonthView", refer to the image below.
In fact there are truely existing records which could show by DFM API calls. Please see the screenshot as follows,
Question two is, are there chances of directly accessing to the tables instead of very limited view which I don't approve. Any possibility to gain DBA role permission?
Solved! See The Solution
OnCommand Report doesnot acquire data/information related to SnapMirror/SnapVault transfers in its first release. This will be addressed in the upcoming releases. Direct access to tables is not avaialble currently.
is this one that your team handles or should the question be asked in the NetApp Support Community?
OnCommand Report doesnot acquire data/information related to SnapMirror/SnapVault transfers in its first release. This will be addressed in the upcoming releases. Direct access to tables is not avaialble currently.
Thanks Yuvaraju.