Active IQ Unified Manager Discussions
Active IQ Unified Manager Discussions
I'm currently working on a WFA-command to create zoning on our Brocade FC-Switches.
Login works fine and getting outputs etc.
For example:
$alias = $(Invoke-NaSsh -Name $Switch -Command $("alishow | grep " + $wwpn) -Credential $credentials)
--> this gives the desired output from the FC-Switch
Now I want to create an alias, which fails:
$alicreate = $(Invoke-NaSsh -Name $Switch -Command $("alicreate Testalias, 50:01:23:3a:02:23:60:5a") -Credential $credentials)
--> $alicreate does not show any output, which would be expected when positive, but the Alias is not being created
I suspect the comma to be the problem here, but escaping with ` also did bring no success.
The login credentials are correct and the command is working when directly executed without problem
Any hints on this?
Thanks in advance!
Solved! See The Solution
found the solution, it seems the command always worked, but you need to add a cfgsave or cfgenable to make the change permanent on the FC-Switch.
It seems on alicreate the aliases are not saved into the local flash of the FC-Switch and dropped on next logout.
You need to append a cfgsave/cfgenable.
Here another hint as cfgsave requests the user to say yes/no:
echo yes | cfgsave
Here the code snippet for the ones interested:
#get current acitve configname
$config = $(Invoke-NaSsh -Name $Switch -Command $("cfgshow |grep -A1 `"Defined configuration:`" |grep cfg") -Credential $credentials)
$config = $config -split '\s+|\t+'
$config = $config[2]
Get-WFALogger -Info -message $("Configfile:" + $config)
$alicreate = $(Invoke-NaSsh -Name $Switch -Command $("alicreate " + $alias + ", " + $wwpn + " ; echo yes |cfgenable " + $config) -Credential $credentials)
#wait 10 seconds for config to be propagated in fabric
Start-Sleep -s 10
--> now you have the alias defined in the fabric
Can you please try your command something like below,
$alicreate = $(Invoke-NaSsh -Name $Switch -Command $("alicreate `"Testalias`",`"50:01:23:3a:02:23:60:5a`"") -Credential $credentials)
Warm Regards
Sivaprasad K
already tried that, but for Brocade these commands are the same:
alicreate Testalias, 50:01:23:3a:02:23:60:5a
alicreate "Testalias", "50:01:23:3a:02:23:60:5a"
Did some further testing, it must definetly be the comma, WFA seems to somehow loose the data when a comma comes up.
I tried to use a here-string to avoid any escaping stuff, but still WFA seems to loose everything once a comma comes up even within a string
$myHereString = @"
alicreate "Testalias", "50:01:23:3a:02:23:60:5a" ; history
$alicreate = $(Invoke-NaSsh -Name $Switch -Command $($myHereString) -Credential $credentials)
alicreate gives no output.
if I leave out the comma in the here string, at least a message comes back from the appended history-command that the command failed,
which is not the case with a comma inside.
Any hints?
found the solution, it seems the command always worked, but you need to add a cfgsave or cfgenable to make the change permanent on the FC-Switch.
It seems on alicreate the aliases are not saved into the local flash of the FC-Switch and dropped on next logout.
You need to append a cfgsave/cfgenable.
Here another hint as cfgsave requests the user to say yes/no:
echo yes | cfgsave
Here the code snippet for the ones interested:
#get current acitve configname
$config = $(Invoke-NaSsh -Name $Switch -Command $("cfgshow |grep -A1 `"Defined configuration:`" |grep cfg") -Credential $credentials)
$config = $config -split '\s+|\t+'
$config = $config[2]
Get-WFALogger -Info -message $("Configfile:" + $config)
$alicreate = $(Invoke-NaSsh -Name $Switch -Command $("alicreate " + $alias + ", " + $wwpn + " ; echo yes |cfgenable " + $config) -Credential $credentials)
#wait 10 seconds for config to be propagated in fabric
Start-Sleep -s 10
--> now you have the alias defined in the fabric