Active IQ Unified Manager Discussions

DFM Object Export


Is it possible to export alarms, users, and custom reports via CLI from an existing Operations Manager instance to a new one?

I'd like to be able to create a batch file to pull this information from an existing instance of OM, and just run it against a new instance.

We are splitting out our architecture into multiple instances and I'm trying to figure out a way to move these 'custom' objects from one instance to another.





Hi Chris,

I don't think it is possible from the CLI.

I think a possible solution could be to copy DB from the first Operation Manager instance to the second Operation Manager instance. Then you can add or remove alarms and users as you need.





Any chance this is now possible 2.5 years later?  Would be really helpful if it was, thanks!



No, I don't think we've made any progress.


Thanks.  I think I may have come up with a procedure that might work.  I'll test it out and post the results.  Here's what I'll be testing:

1) Turn off PA (on both source and new target system)

dfm option list perfAdvisorEnabled

dfm option set perfAdvisorEnabled disable

dfm option list perfAdvisorEnabled

2) Move Performance Advisor directory that holds PA data out of the way

(determine PA data location with "dfm about" command)

mv /opt/NTAPdfm/perfdata /opt/NTAPdfm/temp_perfdata

mkdir /opt/NTAPdfm/perfdata

3) Take DFM database backup

dfm backup create...

4) Remove new Perf Data directory and move original one back in place

rmdir /opt/NTAPdfm/perfdata

mv /opt/NTAPdfm/temp_perfdata /opt/NTAPdfm/perfdata

5) Turn Perf Data collection back on

dfm option set perfAdvisorEnabled enable

dfm option list perfAdvisorEnabled

6) Copy backup to new system

7) Restore new system from backup

dfm backup restore...

😎 Remove hosts that don't belong (from other hosting segments)

Need to determine if this will remove all of the host's objects as well...

9) Turn on PA collection on new host

dfm option set perfAdvisorEnabled enable

dfm option list perfAdvisorEnabled


H Dcornely1,

I am attempting to do the same thing With PA.  Did you get a chance to test your procedure and if so, was it successful.  When you get an opportunity, could you please post any changes to your procedure?


I haven't had a chance to test this yet but plan to some time next week.  However it goes I'll post the results and let you know.



We tested this process in our lab environment this past week and it worked.  There were a few clean up things that needed to be done (file permissions) but overall it appears to have worked.  We did find a 10x reduction in size of the backup file when excluding PA data so that was interesting.

As an FYI, this is part of an effort to migrate from a single DFM v4.0.2 server to multiple OnCommand v5.0 servers based on environment - those versions are what we tested on in our lab.

I'll be working on drawing up the official documentation that includes the post-migration steps and will share it here when complete.


Okay, here is the detailed process with the actual commands that I just ran through in our lab with no issues this morning.  So you know the source DFM server was version 4.0.2 and the target OC server was version 5.0 (both RHEL5.7) so this also served as an upgrade (the restore will do all the necessary conversions).  Prepping the target simply involved a fresh install of the OnCommand Core software.  Hopefully this helps...

1) Turn off PA (on both source and new target system)

# dfm option list perfAdvisorEnabled

# dfm option set perfAdvisorEnabled=No

# dfm option list perfAdvisorEnabled

2) Move Performance Advisor directory that holds PA data out of the way. Determine PA data location with "dfm about" command.  If you move this to a different filesystem, it may take a while because the system will actually have to move the data instead of just pointers.

# mv /opt/DFM/perfdata /opt/DFM/temp_perfdata

# mkdir /opt/DFM/perfdata

3) Take DFM database backup

# dfm backup create -t archive /opt/DFM/data/DFM_bkup_wo_PAdata_20120416

4) Remove new Perf Data directory and move original one back in place.

# rmdir /opt/DFM/perfdata

# mv /opt/DFM/temp_perfdata /opt/DFM/perfdata

5) Turn Perf Data collection back on.

# dfm option set perfAdvisorEnabled=Yes

# dfm option list perfAdvisorEnabled

6) Copy the backup to the new system. If needed, take a backup of the destination before restoration.

7) Restore the new system from backup.

# dfm backup restore <path_to_backup_name>

Once the restore completes, ensure proper login capabilities from the UI by confirming that these 2 files have permissions of 644:


😎 Remove hosts that don't belong. You’ll want to do delete the controller itself from OC.

    1. First, stop dfm completely.
      1. dfm service stop
    2. Next, start up only the SQL service.
      1. dfm service start sql
    3. Now you can force delete each controller without DFM complaining about any secondary relationships (you might get a complaint about the event server that can be ignored).
      1. dfm host delete -f <controller-name>
    4. Once this is completed be sure to start up the rest of DFM
      1. dfm service start

Something to note is that the above delete command will not work without the -f flag (force) if the filer’s primary/secondary volumes are managed as part of a snapvault relationship.

9) Clean up groups.  From the main OnCommand page in the upper right hand corner choose File->Operations Manager. This will open up the old GUI that should look familiar to you.  Under the Groups section, click on Edit Groups and in the listing check off each group that you want to delete and then click the Delete Selected button.

10) Clean up unneeded alerts under Setup->Alarms.  There are some alerts that apply only to specific arrays or groups  – these should be removed from the OC servers on which they are not needed.

11) On the old DFM server turn off PA data collection for the controllers you just migrated to the new OC server.  This is done via the NetApp Management Console gui or the command line.  Here is the command that could be scripted similar to step 8 above.

                # dfm host set <controller_name_or_id> perfAdvisorTransport=disabled

12) Turn on PA collection on new OC server.

# dfm option set perfAdvisorEnabled=Yes

# dfm option list perfAdvisorEnabled
