Active IQ Unified Manager Discussions
Active IQ Unified Manager Discussions
We've been looking into creating a DFM Reporting Portal. So that the DBA's or Business Analysts can generate their own reports (for their specifc volumes and data), on the fly and without having to ask. DFM can do reports by email, but getting others to open the email, download the zip, unzip, and open the file isn't feasible. We can generate reports via "dfm report view", but the html formart is very incomplete and having to massage the data and add charts via perl isn't something we'd want to jump into.
So far, we have the reports running, and then having a script copy the last modified report to the web folder while changing the name of the report to fit our static link.
Is there a better way to to this? Is there a way to create the reports with static names? Is there a way to generate better html code via "dfm report view" or another cli command (we'd like it to include graphs and such". Is there a way to create read only DFM accounts so that other users can generate reports but not have any control over the FAS units?
Will the next DFM (3.9 or possible 4.0) address any of these topics?
Have you explored the option of DFM db access ?
If not pls take a look @ the TR
Thanks, I've looked into using Crystal Reports, but it seems to only pull the Filer ID's and not the Filer names. It does the same thing to volumes and qtrees. Is there a way to have it display the name and not ID?
To get the required information, you may have to reference 2 or more Views
Example: LUN and corresponding host information can be obtained using ObjectView and lunView.See below listed query
[root@lnx186-48 ~]# dfm database query run "select objectView.objName as LUN,host.objName as hostname,lunView.lunSize from objectView,lunView,objectView host where lunView.lunId=objectView.objId and lunView.lunHostId = host.objId "
Hello Sridhar,
I was able to run your dfm database query from the DFM server and get the results.
How do I run a similar query from applications like CrystalReports?
I am trying to reference 2 views in Crystal Reports.
Do you have a document or screenshot that could help me to reference 2 views in Crystal Reports?
Does crystal report support the same SQL query that you have given below?
Siva Ramanathan
PSE-NetApp Inc
I am not an expert in Crystal Reports, but it should have some way to join two db view.
IIRC you can drag columns from two views and create what you need.
Thank you Adai.