Active IQ Unified Manager Discussions
Active IQ Unified Manager Discussions
We are looking into building a data source for OCI to support Dell/EMC's new midrange, PowerStore platform
We are looking to chat with any OCI users interested in seeing this support - do you have PowerStore in a lab or on the floor, what models + protocols will you be using, are you deploying single versus multi appliance clusters, etc.
If this is interesting to you, email me at ostiguy at netapp dot com
We have beta inventory + performance support available for Dell/EMC PowerStore.
If you are an OCI user interested and are on OCI 7.3.1+ , get Service Pack 9 deployed and drop me a note if you would like access to a patch that adds PowerStore support.
@ostiguy - not so much PowerStore rather PowerScale (based on EMC Isilon.) CI currently has a data collector for Isilon. How is this data collector potentially be different from a new PowerScale one?
What is the definition of "PowerScale"? Any array running OneFS 9.0.0+?
I don't think Dell/EMC has done a great job explaining what makes a PowerScale a PowerScale ->
8/10 nodes listed there have "Isilon" in their names, only 2 have "PowerScale".
If PowerScale is simply 9.0.0+ firmware, then I would try our existing Isilon collector against it.
@ostiguy - yes, any array running OneFS 9.0.0+. Thanks will use the existing Isilon collector.