Active IQ Unified Manager Discussions

Error when running the "Wait for SnapMirror initialization or resync" command


I am running into an issue when trying to us the built in command, "Wait for SnapMirror initialization or resync" in WFA 4.1 and OnTap 9.1P5.  I have older workflows that I inherited that use the command without any issue.  The workflow creates a new volume, then uses the built in command "Create Snapmirror" to create a Snapmirror relationship and Initialize it.  It completes that fine, but then errors out on the Wait for SM Initialization command.  I don't understand why it works for the old workflow, but fails for the new one.  I can't see anything different.

I tried doing a test on just the command, and I am getting the following errors:
14:55:47.069 INFO  [Wait for SnapMirror initialization or resync] ### Command 'Wait for SnapMirror initialization or resync' in 'POWER_SHELL' ###
14:55:48.962 INFO  [Wait for SnapMirror initialization or resync] Handling SnapMirror initialization or resync for relationship between Source_Cluster://Source_VServer/Source_Volume and Dest_Cluster://Dest_VServer/Dest_Volume
14:55:49.040 INFO  [Wait for SnapMirror initialization or resync] Using cached cluster connection
14:55:49.946 INFO  [Wait for SnapMirror initialization or resync] Detected 8.2-style relationship. Relationship control plane: v2
14:55:49.977 INFO  [Wait for SnapMirror initialization or resync] SnapMirror initialization or resync completed successfully. Transferred 368640 bytes.
14:55:50.008 ERROR  [Wait for SnapMirror initialization or resync] Could not update command progress.
Cause: The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found.. The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found.
14:55:50.071 ERROR  [Wait for SnapMirror initialization or resync] Failed executing command. Exception: Could not update command progress.
Cause: The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found.. The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found.



It seems like it sees that the SM completed successfully, but then errors out after that.  If I try putting the command into Powershell (which I setup accodring to these instructions and run it from there, it fails on this Set-WfaCommandProgress command:

 E:\Powershell> Set-WfaCommandProgress -Total 1 -Current 1 -ProgressPercentage 100 -Note $bytesTransferredMessage

Set-WfaCommandProgress : Execution URI input line was not set.

At line:1 char:1

+ Set-WfaCommandProgress -Total 1 -Current 1 -ProgressPercentage 100 -N ...

+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Set-WfaCommandProgress], Exception

+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : System.Exception,WFA.SetWfaCommandProgress

Any idea why I might be getting this message?



Interestingly enough, for the new workflow, I put a Sleep command between the Snapmirror creation and the Wait for Initialization command, and the workflow completed successfully.  I can't understand why that would make a difference, because I thought the Wait command would account for different states of the Snapmirror?



It should, you may have to increase the wait time in the wait command.

Sleep is putting additional wait time.



