Active IQ Unified Manager Discussions
Active IQ Unified Manager Discussions
Hi guys.
are you aware of / used before a function or command to append new data to configuration files (i.e like /etc/usermap.cfg and /etc/passwd) in WFA?
Thanks in advance,
Solved! See The Solution
I wrote a command to add an SSH publickey to a 7 Mode storage system, and I used API calls that just append to a file to get this done:
You could copy the above command and modify it to meet your needs. Hope that helps,
Hi Solal,
Can you elaborate on what you are trying to do and why you need this ? This may help understand the need better and propose other solutions as well.
I wrote a command to add an SSH publickey to a 7 Mode storage system, and I used API calls that just append to a file to get this done:
You could copy the above command and modify it to meet your needs. Hope that helps,
Thanks guys.
I got another example from Anatoly that really helped as well:
You can use ONTAP toolkit cmdlets Read-NcDirectory, Read-NcFile, Write-NcFile inside the command in WFA in order to do it
# connect to controller
Get-WFALogger -Info -message $("Connecting to " + $Cluster)
Connect-WfaCluster $Cluster
Read-NcDirectory -Path /vol/vs1_root/.vsadmin/config/etc -VserverContext vs1
Read-NcFile -Path /vol/vs1_root/.vsadmin/config/etc/master.passwd -VserverContext vs1
$data = "nobody2:*:65535:65535::::::"
Write-NcFile -Path /vol/vs1_root/.vsadmin/config/etc/master.passwd -Data $data -Append -VserverContext vs1
Thanks for sharing Solal. Very useful information.
That's my final one that works in a workflow:
param (
[parameter(Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage="Array name or IP address")]
[parameter(Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage="Full path to filer or vfiler requested file, example: hosts")]
[parameter(Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage="New Line to enter to the configuration file. One line at a time.")]
# connect to controller
Connect-WfaController -Array $Array
$fullpath="/vol/" + $rootvol.Name + "/etc/" + $FilePath
# Write the line to the file.
Write-NaFile -Path $fullpath -Append -Data $("`n" + "$LineEntered" + "`n")
# End of Command
Hi Solal,
I am not able to append data in configuration files like as /etc/rc, /etc/hosts, /etc/exports...etc, i am trying to go through your attachment but it is not opening .
So please tell me how can i append data in files.
Is there any command for copying and creating files and directories like as cp and mkdir?