Active IQ Unified Manager Discussions

How do I use WFA to delete volumes?


I wonder how I can use the predefined command Remove Volume.

If I add it to the workflow I just get one parameter column (vol_name), but I'd need the array_ip to then be able to delete the volume.

Somehow I do not get the findchrt to work sensible ...




Most commands require a variable for the main parameter.  In this example, the Remove Volume command has two columns for entry - Enable and Volume.  Find Charts can be called by entering a variable name that refers to a spot in the Find Chart.  Start with a basic workflow with only the Remove Volume command.  Under Enable enter true and under Volume enter remove_Volume_1.  Click on the FindChart button at the bottom and open a new Find Chart.  Set the Find Chart name.  I will typically split my Finders from my Defines.  This makes it very easy to clone for multiple rows.  Also If we decide to change our Finders by adding more intelligence then it is easier to troubleshoot and modify.  Set the Flow type to Finder - Variable=aggrName,Type=Aggregate,Finder=Find aggregate in a given array.  The Remove Volume command only really requires the array and volume name so any aggregate on the array would do.  Set the Finder Attribute Value - array name or ip=$controllerName.  Now, set the Find section to Define - Variable=remove_Volume_1,Type=Volume.  For the Attribute Values - aggregate=aggrName,array=aggrName.array,name=$volumeName

I hope this helps and answers your question.


Hi Bengt,

Just following up on some old threads to close them (Make sure they were answered).

Did this follow through for you eventually?

The way to use "Remove volume" is to find the volume and pass this volume as parameter.

If you'd like to squeeze in row parameters, you can do a define node for "array" using the array IP and then at the volume definition

just plug the array reference and the name.

Every define node in WFA requires the natural key of that object (What uniquely identifies it). For a volume it means the minimal attributes would be

the volume name and array IP/name (Volume name is unique in a storage array).

Hope that helps,

