I'm working with a monitoring system admin to raise an alert when a filer's CPU usage reaches 95%.
I added an alarm as below using the Manamgement Console and created a Test event.
Event : CPU Too Busy
Traps: <SNMP host1>., <SNMP host2>
The test trap was sent to the SNMP hosts properly. The monitoring system admin said that the trap shows severity value "2" which means "infomation"
Then monitoring system admin said that the severity
2013-07-16T06:40:04: Debug: xx: [Event Processor] OID5: .
2013-07-16T06:40:04: Debug: xx: [Event Processor] 5: 2
2013-07-16T06:40:04: Debug: xx: [Event Processor] 5_raw: 2
2013-07-16T06:40:04: Debug: xx: [Event Processor] 5_text: 2
2013-07-16T06:40:04: Debug: xx: [Event Processor] 5_hex: 2
which means "information"
Now I'm looking for a way to change the event severity value to "5", which is "critical".
Where can I modify the event severity?
Thank you for your help in advance.