Active IQ Unified Manager Discussions

Introduce new controler and keep snapmirror relationship


Hi communitie,

In an environment with DFM 4 and  SMO for Linux , I introduce a new controler and I migrate all the volumes on the new controler.

How to keep the existing snapmirror relationships and ensure that backups are always operational ?




Hi Christophe,

     This procedure is for migrating from 7-Mode to 7-Mode. But yes there will definitely be a procedure to migrate volumes from 7 to C-Mode, but I don't have that.



View solution in original post



Hi Christope,

     Is the volume being moved is primary or secondary ? In other words Source or destination volumes ?




Hi Adai,

i must migrate primary volumes (sources) to a new controler



Thanks Adai, any suggestions ?


Hi Christophe - You just need to update your snapmirror.conf with the name of the new controller. This should allow the snapmirror to continue working.

Make sure that your snapmirror config on your new filer,  options snapmirror are correct and the destination controller can access it.

Perform a snap list on a destination volume and then a source volume after migration. As long as the snapshots have not bee deleted, then snapmirror will be able to find a common snapshot as a reference point and will be able to update and resync without problems.


Hi Christophe,

               Here is the procedure that we use.

High Level Steps/Flow




dfm options set dpReaperCleanupMode=Never.
This is to make sure that during the migration conformance/reaper doesn’t reap any relationship


Validate no active jobs and relationships are idle, and suspend dataset


Relinquish all relationships using DFPM.


Remove all physical resources from the dataset (if the dataset contains multiple relationships, then only remove ones that need migration).


Relinquish the primary qtrees from the dataset using DFBM.


Migrate the data using technique 1 from NetApp KB 1011499 if you want to migrate the entire volume.

Use technique 2 from the same kb if you only want to migrate a qtrees.  In this doc the example used is of technique 1 for entire primary volume migration. But irrespective of technique 1 or 2 steps in PM remain the same.


Re-discover the storage controllers in DFM.


Add the physical resources back to the dfm using the DFBM.


Import the new relationships into the dataset.


Resume the dataset and test by doing an on-demand backup job


Revert the option back to orphans
dfm options set dpReaperCleanupMode=Orphans

Detailed Steps

Current Environment:



Snap Vault Source



Snap Vault Destination

New Source


New SnapVault Source

This is how relationship looks like in Prot Mgr before we start.

C:\>dfpm dataset list -m UserHome

Id         Node Name            Dataset Id Dataset Name         Member Type                                        Name

---------- -------------------- ---------- -------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------

      1347 Primary data               1344 UserHome             volume mpo-vsim14:/UserHome

      1367 Backup                     1344 UserHome             volume mpo-vsim15:/UserHome

C:\> dfpm dataset list -R UserHome

Id   Name Protection Policy  Relationship Id State        Status  Hours Source                       Destination                

---- --------- ------------------ -------------- ------------ ------- ----- ---------------------------- ----------------------------

1344 UserHome  Back up            1371                   snapvaulted idle    0.0   mpo-vsim14:/UserHome/-       mpo-vsim15:/UserHome/UserHome_mpo-vsim14_UserHome

1344 UserHome  Back up            1373                   snapvaulted idle    0.0 mpo-vsim14:/UserHome/adai mpo-vsim15:/UserHome/adai  

1344 UserHome  Back up            1375                   snapvaulted idle    0.0   mpo-vsim14:/UserHome/vsv     mpo-vsim15:/UserHome/vsv   

1344 UserHome  Back up            1377                   snapvaulted idle    0.0 mpo-vsim14:/UserHome/amir mpo-vsim15:/UserHome/amir  

Step 1:

This is to make sure that during the migration conformance/reaper doesn’t reap any relationship

C:\>dfm options set dpReaperCleanupMode=Never

Changed cleanup mode for relationships managed by protection capability of OnCommand to Never.


Step 2:

C:\>dfpm dataset suspend UserHome

Suspended dataset UserHome.


Step 3:Relinquish Relationships using DFPM

From the DFM Server

C:\>dfpm dataset list -m UserHome

Id         Node Name            Dataset Id Dataset Name         Member Type                                        Name

---------- -------------------- ---------- -------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------

      1347 Primary data               1344 UserHome             volume mpo-vsim14:/UserHome

      1367 Backup                     1344 UserHome             volume mpo-vsim15:/UserHome

C:\> dfpm dataset list -R UserHome

Id   Name Protection Policy  Relationship Id State        Status  Hours Source                       Destination                

---- --------- ------------------ -------------- ------------ ------- ----- ---------------------------- ----------------------------

1344 UserHome  Back up            1371                   snapvaulted idle    0.0   mpo-vsim14:/UserHome/-       mpo-vsim15:/UserHome/UserHome_mpo-vsim14_UserHome

1344 UserHome  Back up            1373                   snapvaulted  idle 0.0 mpo-vsim14:/UserHome/adai mpo-vsim15:/UserHome/adai  

1344 UserHome  Back up            1375                   snapvaulted idle    0.0   mpo-vsim14:/UserHome/vsv     mpo-vsim15:/UserHome/vsv   

1344 UserHome  Back up            1377                   snapvaulted  idle 0.0 mpo-vsim14:/UserHome/amir mpo-vsim15:/UserHome/amir  

C:\>dfpm dataset relinquish mpo-vsim15:/UserHome/UserHome_mpo-vsim14_UserHome

Relinquished relationship (1371) with destination UserHome_mpo-vsim14_UserHome (1370).

C:\>dfpm dataset relinquish  mpo-vsim15:/UserHome/adai

Relinquished relationship (1373) with destination adai (1372).

C:\>dfpm dataset relinquish  mpo-vsim15:/UserHome/vsv

Relinquished relationship (1375) with destination vsv (1374).

C:\>dfpm dataset relinquish  mpo-vsim15:/UserHome/amir

Relinquished relationship (1377) with destination amir (1376).


Step 4: Remove all Resources from Dataset using NMC/CLI

From the NetApp Management Console

Done in the NMC, edit the dataset, remove the physical resources first from the Backup Node, then from the Primary Node.  Else do it using cli as follows

C:\>dfpm dataset remove -N "Primary data" UserHome mpo-vsim14:/UserHome

Dataset dry run results


Do: Checking that dataset configuration conforms to its policy.

Effect: Conformance checking failed.

Reason: Dataset has been manually suspended.

Suggestion: Click Resume on the Datasets window to reestablish protection job schedules.

Dataset conformance status will be updated after you resume protection of this dataset

Removed volume mpo-vsim14:/UserHome (1347) from dataset UserHome (1344).

C:\>dfpm dataset remove -N "Backup" UserHome mpo-vsim15:/UserHome

Dataset dry run results


Do: Checking that dataset configuration conforms to its policy.

Effect: Conformance checking failed.

Reason: Dataset has been manually suspended.

Suggestion: Click Resume on the Datasets window to reestablish protection job schedules.

Dataset conformance status will be updated after you resume protection of this dataser

Removed volume mpo-vsim15:/UserHome (1367) from dataset UserHome (1344).


STEP 5: Relinquish the primary qtrees from the dataset using DFBM.

From the DFM Server CLI

C:\>dfbm primary dir list 1371

ID:                        1371

Last Backup Status:        Normal

Primary Directory:         mpo-vsim14:/UserHome/-

Secondary Volume:          mpo-vsim15:/UserHome

Secondary Volume ID:       1367

State:                     SnapVaulted

Lag:                       29 mins

Status:                    Idle

Bandwidth Limit:           None

Custom Script:

Run Custom Script As User:

C:\>dfbm primary dir relinquish 1371

Relinquished control over mpo-vsim14:/UserHome/-.


Repeat this for all relationships.

Step6: Migrate the data using technique 1 from NetApp KB 1011499

Existing snapvault relationship:

Source                         Destination State          Lag        Status

mpo-vsim14:/vol/UserHome/- mpo-vsim15:/vol/UserHome/UserHome_mpo-vsim14_UserHome  Snapvaulted 00:35:42   Idle

mpo-vsim14:/vol/UserHome/adai  mpo-vsim15:/vol/UserHome/adai                          Snapvaulted    00:35:42 Idle

mpo-vsim14:/vol/UserHome/amir  mpo-vsim15:/vol/UserHome/amir                          Snapvaulted    00:35:42 Idle

mpo-vsim14:/vol/UserHome/vsv   mpo-vsim15:/vol/UserHome/vsv                           Snapvaulted    00:35:42 Idle

Desired Snap vault relationship

Source                         Destination State          Lag        Status

mpo-vsim16:/vol/UserHome/- mpo-vsim15:/vol/UserHome/UserHome_mpo-vsim14_UserHome  Snapvaulted 00:14:41   Idle

mpo-vsim16:/vol/UserHome/adai  mpo-vsim15:/vol/UserHome/adai                          Snapvaulted    00:13:33 Idle

mpo-vsim16:/vol/UserHome/amir  mpo-vsim15:/vol/UserHome/amir                          Snapvaulted    00:27:23 Idle

mpo-vsim16:/vol/UserHome/vsv   mpo-vsim15:/vol/UserHome/vsv                           Snapvaulted    00:16:26 Idle


# Create a new volume
pri> vol create newvol aggr0 10g
pri> vol restrict newvol
pri> snapmirror initialize -S oldvol newvol

mpo-vsim16> vol create UserHome aggr1 80m

Creation of volume 'UserHome' with size 80m on containing aggregate

'aggr1' has completed.

mpo-vsim16> vol restrict UserHome

Volume 'UserHome' is now restricted.

mpo-vsim16> snapmirror initialize -S mpo-vsim14:UserHome UserHome

Transfer started.

Monitor progress with 'snapmirror status' or the snapmirror log.

# At time of cutover stop client access to oldvol and continue:
pri> snapmirror update -S oldvol newvol
pri> snapmirror break newvol

mpo-vsim16> snapmirror break UserHome

snapmirror break: Destination UserHome is now writable.

Volume size is being retained for potential snapmirror resync.  If you would like to grow the volume and do not expect to resync, set vol option fs_size_fixed to off.


# Resume client access to newvol

# Update the SnapVault relationship
sec> snapvault modify -S pri:/vol/newvol/qtree sec:/vol/tradvol/qtree
sec> snapvault modify -S pri:/vol/newvol/qtree2 sec:/vol/tradvol/qtree2

If you like not to wait for next update schedule can you update it yourself using the following cli

sec> snapvault update /vol/tradvol/qtree

Alternatively you can also use start which will do the job of both modify and update.

Sec> snapvault start –r –S  mpo-vsim16:/vol/UserHome/adai  mpo-vsim15:/vol/UserHome/adai

mpo-vsim15>  snapvault modify -S mpo-vsim16:/vol/UserHome/- mpo-vsim15:/vol/UserHome/UserHome_mpo-vsim14_UserHome

mpo-vsim15>  snapvault modify -S mpo-vsim16:/vol/UserHome/adai  mpo-vsim15:/vol/UserHome/adai

mpo-vsim15>  snapvault modify -S mpo-vsim16:/vol/UserHome/amir  mpo-vsim15:/vol/UserHome/amir 

mpo-vsim15>  snapvault modify -S mpo-vsim16:/vol/UserHome/vsv   mpo-vsim15:/vol/UserHome/vsv               

7 Re-Discover Controllers

C:\>dfm host discover mpo-vsim16

Refreshing data from host (134) now.

C:\>dfm host discover mpo-vsim15

Refreshing data from host (135) now.


Wait for svtimestamp to be populated on both source and destination.

C:\>dfm detail mpo-vsim15 | findstr /i svTimestamp

svTimestamp                        2012-08-08 19:15:02.000000

STEP8: Add the physical resources back to the dfm using the DFBM

From the DFM Server CLI

C:\>dfbm primary dir add mpo-vsim15:/UserHome mpo-vsim16:/UserHome/-

Started job 3608 to create backup relationship between mpo-vsim15:/UserHome and mpo-vsim16:/UserHome/-.


This will not do a rebaseline as the relationship already exists we are only adding the same to dfm.

C:\>dfbm job list 3608

Job:          3608

Status:       Normal

Time Started: 08 Aug 19:29

Description:  Importing backup relationship between secondary mpo-vsim15:/UserHome and primary mpo-vsim16:/UserHome/-.

Progress:     Done

Arguments: svsVolume=1367&svpHost=141&svpDir=%2FUserHome%2F-&svThrottle=0


Take careful note of the syntax here. The Secondary / SnapVault volume goes at the beginning, with no qtree. No /vol syntax either. The primary SnapVault source goes last, and includes the qtree.

Step 9: Import the new relationships into the dataset.

From NetApp Management Console

Browse External Relationships and you will find both the new SnapVault. Import them to the correct points in the dataset.

PS: You may see this error by nothing to worry.

After importing the relationships, the dataset will show a status of Warning. When you investigate the warning, the dataset reports, "no backup history exists".  To clear this warning event, either run an on-demand backup job or wait for the next scheduled backup to occur. Either way, the backup job will force an update of the relationship and create a new backup snapshot. Once the first backup for the imported relationship are succesful, the warning status will go away.

10 Resume the Dataset, Protect now, and Review jobs

We resume the dataset from the NMC, and hit Protect Now with an hourly job. When reviewing the jobs, we notice a few failed jobs from 30 minutes prior, this may be due to adding the resources back into the dataset (the primary and tertiary) which may have been unnecessary

Things to note as part of this migration.

Some of things you should be aware of are the following.

  1. We lose the dynamic referencing, and there by auto relationship creation for qtree (for QSM and SV) which are created after the this migration process on the primary volume
  2. We also lose the ability of dynamic secondary sizing of the imported destination volumes as they are not marked dp_managed.(this may not happen in our case as it’s within the same dfm server)
    • Though this could be overcome using the Secondary Space Management feature by migration of the destination volumes.
  3. Old backup version on the primary are lost ( with in PM but the actual snapshots exisit), as the primary volumes FSid would have changed.
  4. The snapshots associated with old backup version before the migration process would only be available via Ops Mgr Ui(Backup Manager Tab) and not via PM restore wizard.
  5. These old snapshot will not be deleted as per retention by PM instead needs to be deleted by users.




Waaah Adai, super thank you 😉

Is that procedure will be available to migrate source controler from 7-mode to cluster-mode ?




Hi Christophe,

     This procedure is for migrating from 7-Mode to 7-Mode. But yes there will definitely be a procedure to migrate volumes from 7 to C-Mode, but I don't have that.


