Active IQ Unified Manager Discussions

Loaded OnCommand Unified manager on Windows Server 2008R2 - GUI will not load!


Obviously, no matter what problem I create, I am the only person in the world to do it.  There is no help anywhere.  No where on the internet can I find an anwer to several questions, and they all involve NetApp and Symantec NetBackup.


I have loaded the OnCommand Unified Manager on my Master Server in the Symantec Netbackup Environement. My original goal is to make the NetBackup software recognize the NetApp Device.  So I chose thisa installation for the DataFabric Manager, the provisioning, etc.

Now that I have the software loaded and installed to what I consider to be correctly, the GUI interface will not load.  It turns blue, freezes and gives me not output.  Can't seem to get an answer from NetApp or NetBackup.

At my wits end!




The ISG states that OnCommand Unified Manager Core should only be installed on a server by itself.  In the next release the guide will clarify this guidance to state that it should be on its own server in any situation (not for a given node installation) or with the Unified Manager Host Package (used for backing up ESX virtual objects in 7-Mode environments).

For optimal performance, you should install the Core Package software on a dedicated system, especially if you are managing more than 30 storage systems with the DataFabric Manager server.


I am not sure what result you were attempting to get by installing DFM/UM on the NBU Master server.  Can you clarify?




Hi Kevin,

Thanks for the response.  A little background.  I have 22 Servers, a few workstations and a dozen virtual machines that I backup regularly with Symantec Netbackup.  Because of the storage requirements, I have run out of storage space.  I have a master server and two media servers.  I have older HP servers that I make local backups to, and all of our dat is in a closed environment.  When we first installed NetBackup, we had an ISCSI connection to A NetApp 2040, but that link was recently broken because of licensing issues as well as the addition of a brand new 2240.

When the Netapp 2240 was set up, it was configured for NFS.  Neither NetApp or Symantec can tell me how to make the Symantec software recognize the 2240.  The NBU Plugin does not work.  So, in research, I decided to load the OCUM.  Based on servers that I have available,  I chose to load in the OnCommand on the Netbackup Master Server.  None of the documentation I have read said that it needed to be stand-alone.  I have made 3 dozen configuration changes to the server, read all the prerequisites, loaded host and oncommand files,

I have open tickets with NetApp and Symantec, but no one knows!  I can not be the only person in the world who is trying to make this software recognize and write to a storage appliance, OTHER than a backup tape drive. I have dedicated space reserved for my backups on the NetApp device, but so far nothing I've done allows the software to see the hardware.




Hi Bill,

It sounds to me as if you are attempting to get NBU to manage the 2240 as a virtual tape library.  This is not possible, at least with any software that NetApp provides.

You can read about the NBU Plugin software details in this guide, specifically pages 5-8:

The NBU Plugin (installed on your DFM/UM server) will allow Symantec Replication Director to manage snapshot backups on the controller via DFM/Unified Manager.




Thanks Kevin,

I'm not trying to get the NBU to manage the 2240, just to recognize the volume that was created for me to do backups.  Its a shame to waste 48 TB of space.

The NBU Plugin, especially in the upcoming 7.6 version is specifically designed (supposedly) to recognize backup appliances and utilize NFS.  All of the programs and protocols were established when NetBackup was a Unix based program.  How do they lose their functionality?

I have read that manual from cover to cover 10 times, The NBU plugin has never executed properly so I thought the OnCommand Manager would allow me to utilize the plug in as well as the new NetApp System Manager that comes with the package.

Thanks so much for your insight so far, I have learned more from a few replies than either of my Global Managers can tell me.



Can you please tell us:

Did you see this error, "Error 1067" ?

Do you have the Java version updated?

Please go though below details and let me know if that is any help.

1. If you have a VMware environment and want to manage both physical and virtual objects, then you must install both the Core (install core package first) and Host Packages (install aftert the core package is installed).

2. Before installing OnCommand Core Package, you must preinstall Adobe Flash Player 8 or later on the server where the Core Package is to be installed, or your install job cannot succeed.

3. You might need to configure your firewall to open default ports that enable communication between DataFabric Manager server and various components, such as managed storage systems, agents, and so on. If a port is not open, communication fails between DataFabric Manager server and the storage system or other component.

4. Browser requirements and limitations


Mozilla Firefox


    Not all versions of Firefox are supported. You should disable the automatic upgrade feature in Firefox to avoid installing an unsupported version.

Microsoft Internet Explorer, version 8

        1. To avoid browser display issues, you must disable the Compatibility View feature before launching the OnCommand console. For details, see the Microsoft support site.

        2. To ensure that OnCommand console can launch, you must ensure that active scripting and that binary and script behaviors are enabled.

        3. If enhanced security is enabled in Internet Explorer 8, you might have to add http://DataFabric Manager server IP address:8080 to the browser's list of trusted sites so that you can access the server.

        4. You might also have to add port 8443 to the list of trusted sites if you are using SSL.

        5. You can add ports and URLs in the Security tab under Tools > Internet Options.

Microsoft Internet Explorer, version 9


    If enhanced security is enabled, you must disable it. If enhanced security is enabled in Internet Explorer 9, the OnCommand console might not load.




Thanks Ravi,

No Java Error Messages-  Went through the entire "Before you install" list.

Installed the host package and the server package separately on multiple occasions in different orders as some documentation said to load the host first.

Looked at all the pre-install instructions.  Flash Player is well up to date (unless it only works with 8...I'm using 11.......)

Check all the ports and ports with AntiVirus on -  also turned antivirus off as alot of documentation points to

Browser is IE9  Have Changed compatability settings - no luck! Enhanced Security is disabled!

I have the OCUM loaded on a Windows Server 2008R2, 64 bit system.



I am not sure from where you got that instructions of installing host first, that is not correct.

If you are installing both Core and Host Packages, you should install Core Package software prior to installing Host Package software. If you install Host Package software first, you must start the Configuration wizard after you finish installing Core Package software unless you already have an earlier version of DataFabric Manager server in your environment.

Please find the attached doc for the ports that needs to be opened.




Ravi and/or Kevin,

So if I start over, my question is this.  Can I pick any server to load the OnCommand Unified Manager on?  Does it have to be affiliated with the NetBackup and/or Netapp equipment, or will any server in my Domain work?


Hi Bill,

May I ask you if you want to use NetApp storage as advanced disk storage, so NBU can dump the backup data to it?




Hi Glen,

That's exactly what I want to do. I have so much free space and I want to utilize it, Any ideas?




Hi Bill,

How did you present the NetApp storage to NBU master/Media server?

I am able to do so via FCP.




Hi Glen,

   Okay, I need help.  Have had open cases with NetApp and Symantec for more than two weeks with NO response.  I honestly don't know how to introduce the two to each other since none of the software or protocols is working.  OnCommand Unified Manager will not work, the NBU Plugin does not work and the process I choose to make Symantec NetBackup recognize the 2240 has not worked.  I thought Data Fabric Manager might work, but we're using copper, not fiber.  We used ISCSI initiators before but wanted to evolve over to NFS.  Where does the DFM need to be loaded?  Where does the OnCommand (5.1)  need to be loaded?  I have a Master Server and 2 Media Servers.. All my local storage is utilized and I really need the reserved storage on the NetApp device to continue doing backups.  Any suggestions or a How-To-Guide would be much appreciated!



Hi Bill,

What OS do you use for master/media server?

Forget about all OnCommand s/w for now, just use NBU as brian of backup, and 2240 as storage unit to NBU.

The NetApp storage needs to be mounted/mapped to your media server, then use NBU GUI to create storage unit against to it. see below

If NFS/CIFS protocal does not work for you, then FCP definately does.




Hi Bill,

Just realize you are using windows 2008R2 from the topic of this thread.

If you use file protocal, create a cifs volume from NetApp, then map it at your media server, then follow the youtube to configure it at NBU.

If you use block protocal, then the new storage can be added as drive letter, then follow the youtube.





Wouldn't Bill need CIFS protocol licensed on the 2240 to accomplish this??  From the OP, I thought that he mentioned that the filer was only configured for NFS...

Edit: The NFS isn't mentioned in the original post, but in response to Kryan.


Hi Joshua,

Yes, he needs licenses for NetApp and NBU for advanced disk storage too.

Hi Bill,

What licenses do you have? NFS will not work with windows.




Hi Glen,

Have the capability and licensing to do CIFS, NFS or ISCSI.. Used ISCSI with the older 2040, but the volume set up for me is currently in NFS, but can be made CIFS.

Thanks so much, I will watch the video and see what can I can learn.



Glen and Joshua,

Watched the videos and copied every movement, but have several questions since mine did not work.

In the video, Zeus must be serving as the Master Server and the Media Server.

When he went to set up Advanced Disk Storage, he had no other servers to choose from and the Wizard asks for a media server to configure advanced disk and eventually the Disk Pool.

I don't understand -  I do not want to use my media server for any more storage.

I have my Master Server that backs up catalogs only.

I have the media server that I was forced to push storage too as well.

I have a third server that I called NBU Temp Storage that I set up as a media server and a storage unit.

So, why would I want to use any of these for Advanced Disk storage.

Additionally, I am on and my screens were a little different than his.

When I choose Storage Server Configuration and the Wizard starts, I choose Advanced Disk

When I click next, the Storage Server Name (not shown on the video) is greyed out and I can not edit this

Storage Server Type shows Advanced Disk and the only option I can manipulate is the Media Server (so I have a drop down with a list of all three of my media servers)

Regardless of which I choose, my system will not create the storage system - I get a "cannot connect on socket" error

There has to be a step I am missing or should have configured before.

In answer to your earlier question-

Our current configuration set up for me is NFS - but you said NFS won't work with Windows

We used to have an ISCSI connection, but when Netapp came to setup the new 2240 we broke that connection

So, overall, my Netapp Device is out there, I can ping it from my Master Server, but what configuration changes or wizard do I need to use in Netbackup to see that device, regardless of the protocol I use.

I can use and am licensed for CIFS, NFS, FCP and others but this is all straight copper, through a closed network on the LAN?

Thanks so much,



Hi Bill,

Let's take step by step.

1. Are you storage admin or NBU admin?

2. We need to get NetApp storage present to your master or media server as dirve letter Z: for example first. Which is easier for you iSCSI or CIFS?

3. There is basic disk and advanced disk from NBU,there are some features differences. Let's consider this after the storage is presented.




Hi Bill,

Read below to help you decide which one you want to create after the storage is presented.

I am using v7.5.0.4, not a big deal to create advanced disks.

Seems to me, get iSCSI back to work is your best way to go.
