We recently upgraded from SANscreen 5 to 6, and in version 6 I believe the IBM XIV reporting has been "fixed". When an IBM XIV reports 1 GB, it is decimal (i.e. 1000 MB per GB, 1000 KB per MB, etc). In version 5 of SANscreen it would report it as reported by the XIV. In version 6 it appears to (correctly) change this to binary (i.e. 1024 MB per GB). This is great, but it has caused a huge dip in my provisioned capacity report. Hosts that SANscreen used to think had 1098 GB now correctly show as 1024 GB.
Is there a way for me to fix the old data in my reporting? If I drop the DB and build from history will that fix it, or will it just re-acquire the bad data from SANscreen for pre v6?