Should I be seeing more data points in Grafana than this for FlexGroups?:
"NetApp Detail: Volume" Dashboard (with the FlexGroup volume selected)
Highlights - no data
Volume Table Drill down - no data
Top Volume Backend WAFL Layer Drilldown - no data
Top Volume End-to-end Drilldown - all graphs show data but not contiguous throughout the time specified (6 hours, for example)
Top Volume QoS Latency From Drilldown - Latency from Network and Latency from Throttle, no data
Top Volume Capacity Drilldown - no data
Per Volume Backend WAFL Layer Drilldown - no data
Per Volume End-to-End QOS Drilldown - all graphs show data
Per Volume Capacity Drilldown - no data
Per Volume Capacity Efficiency Drilldown - no data
When I select a single or ALL constituents I get better data representation but things like read and write latencies still show NO data points or I've noticed that not all of the constituents data appears in the graphs.